Chapter 19

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I am so sorry for being so late with the updates. The beginning of the month is always overloaded for me work-wise and with NaNoWriMo and my studies, I just didn't have time to do everything I promised. I am planning to make up for the skipped chapter and will most likely post two chapters next Monday :) I hope you enjoy this one :)


Chapter 19

Oceana looked strangely at Miss Patterson as the lady fussed about the arrangement of the tea things of the table.

“Miss Patterson, are we expecting company today?” She asked.

“Anything is possible, my dear,” Miss Patterson replied.

“Is Mrs. Alberna coming over?” Oceana persisted.

“No, though she did say she would like to call on us tomorrow. You wouldn’t mind seeing Mrs. Alberna would you?”

“Perhaps,” Oceana politely said, while inwardly trying to come up with a good excuse as to why she shouldn’t be at home tomorrow when Mrs. Alberna called.

Miss Patterson didn’t notice Oceana’s less than enthusiastic response, she was busy trying make sure everything looked just perfect. Call it instinct, or a woman’s intuition, but Miss Patterson knew without a doubt that Lt. Chesterton would call on them today.

Sure enough, only half an hour later, a ring was heard at the door and presently the butler, Philip, handed Miss Patterson a card and said that Lt. Chesterton was at the door. Oceana’s eyes widened in surprise at this unexpected news.

“Of course, of course, show him in.” Miss Patterson exclaimed.

“Did you invite him?” Oceana asked in a puzzled voice.

“No, but after the wedding I was sure he would make a call. Good manners would not have permitted him to come yesterday, but today it is perfectly fine,” Miss Patterson replied, taking a seat on the little sofa next to Oceana. “You just relax and act calm and composed.”

“I am calm and composed,” Oceana said, casting Miss Patterson a slightly annoyed glance.

“Lt. Chesterton to see you, ma’am,” Philip announced as he let the young navy officer in.

“Lt. Chesterton, how kind of you to call,” Miss Patterson rose from her seat and offered Wesley her hand. Wesley took her and kissed it.

“Ah, now that is Admiral Chesterton’s upbringing, without a doubt,” Miss Patterson said in a satisfied voice. “He’s a remnant of the times when it was easier to find a gentleman in society. These days we get nothing but an endless stream of scoundrels. Lt. Chesterton, do have a seat.” Miss Patterson motioned Wesley to a chair then rang the bell and called in the tea. “You are aware that I am acquainted with the Admiral?”

“Yes, ma’am, he mentioned to me that the two of you were once very good friends. He hasn’t been able to find his way here to renew the old acquaintance, and I felt I should do it for him. Miss Oceana, I trust I find you in good health,” Wesley turned to Oceana.

“My health has never been better, thank you,” Oceana replied in a rather reserved voice. She wasn’t exactly sure how best to behave around Wesley with Miss Patterson in the room.

“And you are well, Miss Patterson. I believe I am only a little acquainted with you. I met you at a party Miss Warren, or should I saw Mrs. Blackwood was hosting.”

“I am doing very well, thank you. I do remember a little of you, Captain Morrely introduced you, did he not?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

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