chapter 1

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It was a mistake to meet, though it definitely hadn't been her first. Jennie knew it was a mistake. A beautiful, hedonistic and potentially extremely pleasurable event, but a mistake none the less. She'd seen the blond vet on her "Her" app and knew she lived close by. In fact from staring at her profile she'd known from first glance that "Jisoo" wasn't someone she should even contact, because Jisoo might look like fun, a lot of fun, but she didn't look frivolous and Jennie needed both those attributes. But Jennie had contacted her. Of course she had.

Jennie loved the "Her" app. The site had a lot of everything, and it was a great way to keep linked in to the community considering she worked in what was an entirely straight guy environment, so far anyway. She hadn't meant for it to become a hook up site when she'd downloaded it and she did indeed read the articles. However, the chats she started with girls nearby, ended up as meetings and inevitably progressed to one time hook ups. It wasn't like she was doing it all the time, but once she slept with them whatever interest she'd had seemed to fade. And she was busy so it was easy to forget to reply to them after the event. After the first couple of times it became routine. She found girls she liked the look of, and she wasn't superficial so she had to like the look of them physically and like whatever they revealed about their personality - well at first anyway. They'd meet, maybe twice but usually just the once. They always ended up in bed. Then she'd just ignore their messages. She couldn't have said why it became a habit at first, but it did, one that worked for her. She worked damn hard at the Fire Department, in a male dominated profession and with erratic hours. If occasionally she wanted to have some fun, why shouldn't she? She was upfront with the women, and if they seemed to think they'd sway her into something more serious, then they were mistaken. Jennie didn't do serious. Not since Nayeon. Nayeon had taught her that love was a weakness and people would use it against you. She wasn't bitter. She just wasn't interested.

So she knew that this Jisoo girl was a mistake even as she typed a hello into the chat function. From that first conversation she could sense with dread a downward slide. Jennie liked no strings attached. She didn't want a relationship, didn't want to squeeze a girls wants and needs into her life which was already full and complete. She had her buddies at the firehouse, her cousin Lisa, a couple of friends and her large husky dog Rocky, named after Rocky raccoon because the dog had distinctive raccoon eye patches on his face. She'd usually dress as Rocky for Halloween and Rocky would wear something resembling a fire fighting uniform. It was pretty funny in her opinion.

The second she'd seen Jisoo's profile she'd felt something. Instantaneous attraction to the blond was unavoidable considering the girl was a goddess, but it was more than that. Jisoo was a vet who only lived around the corner from Jennie, or near enough. She wasn't into exercise but "tried." She loved nature and animals, loving hikes into the wilderness even if she needed to eat chocolate regularly for encouragement to keep moving. She didn't just adore the forest and mountains though. She loved to get tipsy and go clubbing with friends and was "obsessed" with bikes. She wrote a small animal care section in the Boston Globe. That Jisoo was smart set bell number one ringing loudly, that she was sassy meant bell number two chimed in. Sexy, effectively sealed Jennie's fate with multiple bells ringing loudly in her ears.

At first she'd just kept looking at her profile. Again and again. At first once a day, then everytime she logged on, until she decided to send that quick hey. Jisoo had responded almost at once, with a "so the sexy fire fighter has finally noticed there's a sexy vet living close by?" Jennie had flushed and grinned before responding with a, "the sexy vet could have made the first move..."

That had been it. The chat was always flirty and fun, but unlike her other conversation partners it didn't quite keep to the superficial either. Jennie spoke about her job, her past and she couldn't keep the existence of Rocky from the girl, not when she was a vet. Upon receiving a photo of the dog with her, Jisoo had responded with, "OMG I'm in love with your dog. I hope you named him Rocky!" Jennie had actually spat out her drink much to Jongin's amusement, especially as they were running a drill and she'd claimed checking her phone and drinking her coffee wouldn't interfere. That was the last time she got away with that. She'd typed back that he was indeed named Rocky and why would she assume such a thing. Jisoo had responded with a mini film of her singing "Rocky Racoon" in such a sexy sultry voice that it had Jennie pining for a real life meeting. The "pining" thing was another blaring siren indicating that the whole venture was foolishness.

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