Chapter Two

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After a hectic day at the office, Cade went home. He opened his house, everywhere was quite, he called out to Karen, he received no response. He climbed the stairs and checked the rooms for her, she's not at home. He went down to the kitchen to get some food, the oven is empty. She didn't make dinner and his stomach was grumbling, he opened the fridge and fixed himself a sandwich and orange juice. He was about to take his food to his room, when the sound of the door opening got his attention. He dropped the sandwich and the orange on the kitchen island, getting to the living room.

Karen came in , wearing a short black skirt with a yellow cropped top and black pumps. Seems like she came back from club, seeing how Cade was looking at her. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the stairs, before she climbed the stairs Cade stopped her.

" where were you ''? Cade snapped '' who were you with ''? He grabbed her arm, eyeing the giant hickey on her neck. '' I'm working my ass off  every day and night while you jump from one man's bed to another, what is wrong with you? ''. She pulled her arm free from his clutch and slapped him hard on the cheek, that her hand sting.

'' You have no right to say that to me ''. She spat, and pointed at his face '' if you say one more word and am outta here ''. She turned and entered one of the guest room, Cade was devastated and punches the wall leaving a dent, he yelled like a wounded animal. He fell on his knees and bawled his eyes out, after some time, he managed to get to their bedroom, it doesn't seem right to call their bedroom anymore. Since they stopped sleeping on it, it's been colder and lonely. Day after day, weeks to months and year after year.

Cade looked at the quiet bedroom and sighs. The already dried flowers at his window reminds him of how bad his marriage has become, a marriage he went into with hopes and dreams, with unsaid promises.

Thinking about how everything has fallen apart brings tears and heartaches to him, he's never lost control before. Cade was afraid that when morning comes that she will be gone, he knows that she's hurting too but he doesn't know what to do.

Yes they were friends, best friends. They used to talk about everything but now they rarely stay in each other's company or talk and laugh as they used to.

Cade wonders how it got to that extent, what went wrong? Letting her go was not an option.

Cade off the light and fell asleep on their bed. With his suit, and his shoes, the sandwich long forgotten.


The harsh ringing tune of Edward woke him up, he picked up his phone '' someone better be dying... "

'' well good morning to you too '' Edward chipped, he rolled his eyes.

'' what do you want Ed?  It's like '' he looked at his wristwatch '' seven in the morning, what is wrong with you fucker '' he yawned, trying to sit up. His back aches, he groaned.

'' Someone had a late night hmm''.

'' Shut up you jerk, my back is killing me '' with another groan, he stood up and gathered his discarded clothes. He must have removed them in the middle of the night, because it was uncomfortable sleeping in them.

'' Someone had a rough night , should have asked her to slow down.... '' he cackles.

'' Fuck you asshole '' he ends the call and head to the bathroom. He quickly took his bath and brushed his teeth, put on his grey suit and gelled his hair. He went down to the kitchen to fix something to eat, and also get his coffee.

He made eggs and bacon , he thought about calling Karen but decided to take the food to her. He knocked at the door and received muffled voice, he got in, seeing her lying with back to the door, the bed sheets covering her lower half leaving her back bare . The curve of her body beneath the sheets, the creamy skin exposed to his hungry eyes, he was hungry to feel her softness , he silently thanked the heaven for giving him control .He dropped the food by the side of the bed, quietly tapped her shoulder to sit up. She turned around, he was surprised to see her red and puffy eyes with bags under it. She seemed to have been crying for a while, her nose is red. That sight broke his heart, this not the same girl that was full of life. Maybe being with him made her unhappy , he swallowed hard. She pulled up the bedsheet to cover the breast, before turning to sit up. She  looked at him.

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