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My eyes immediately opened once I heard my dad say that name. I jumped up out of my bed even though it's early on a Saturday. I ran into my bathroom to freshen up, scared that I looked like shit. Why is he here?

  "Yoongi!" My dad called up to me.

  "I'm coming." I said quietly to myself.

  I made my way downstairs, not caring that I was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. I knew that Jungkook would probably be wearing something similar anyways.

  He is.

  I never thought that I would see him in this house. The last house we lived in is no comparison to this place. This house is great.

  It's more than what we ever wanted, which makes me happy for my dad.

  "There he is." My dad said as he looked at me. I looked over to see Jungkook's dad there.

  "Yoongi!" He smiled, which made me smile back. "It's been so long. You've grown some."

  "Not much." I heard my dad say.

  I turned to him and frowned. "Dad-"

  "Who wants breakfast?" He cut me off.


  If I would have known that my dad was going to invite Jungkook anyways, I wouldn't be sitting at this stupid table with him or his dad and his mom.

My dad and his dad were laughing about old memories as Jungkook stuffed his face with my mom's and his mom's food. They used to cook  together. They were like a power duo.

I haven't had their special deserts in a while, either. Old memories came through as I tasted it. It tastes like heaven.

My dad hit the table as he laughed, causing Jungkook's dad to laugh even more. It was pretty chaotic as we all tried to eat.

"And do you remember when Danny got his foot stuck in that hole?" My dad laughed.

Who the hell is Danny?

"Yes!" Jungkook's dad smiled. "Do you remember when Jungkook was born and we were both late to the hospital because we were eating dinner with him? That was bad."

"You were late?" Jungkook asked through his food-stuffed mouth. "To my birth?"

"Eh, you don't remember your birth either, son." His dad patted his back. I tried to hold in my laugh as Jungkook furrowed his brows.

"What are you laughing about?" Jungkook rested his hands on the table in front of him. "You were late to your own birthday party and told your mom that it was because you were 'scared to socialize', but you actually woke up late and didn't want her to know." He said.

"I was eleven!" I felt my face turn red.

"Your mom gave you a ten minute talk on why you shouldn't be scared of humans!" He replied. "And you made me sit through it!"

My dad laughed as he looked at me, but my mom was shaking her head at me. "I knew it."

"Mom, waking up early is so hard."

"I should take away your new bed." She smiled as she looked at me. My dad shook his head and chuckled as he looked at me too.

"You should show Jungkook your room." He told me. "It's actually livable now that we moved. His room has changed so much." He said as he looked at Jungkook with a smile.

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