(17) Dark POV

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"Ex-fucking-scuse me?!"
"What? I only asked if he'd touched you or your clothes before he left!"
"Well he didn't! Why would you even think that?! Like I'm some- some sort of-"
She ended her sentence by back handing me across the face. Ouch.
"I don't think that! I need something with his scent on, for God's sake!"
"Oh. Sorry."
She quickly followed as I groaned and pushed past her, realising where I was headed. I would have preferred her to have stayed, as it could delay the big 'rescue', but I had already wasted enough time trying to get her to cooperate, and was past the point of caring.
As I stepped through the doorway of Anti's place, I took a deep breath through my nose. Bingo. It may have been slightly stale but there was no denying that it was his scent. Suddenly, Sky's voice piped up from behind me.
"So, you're like a bloodhound?"
"I can kill you again if you want."
"Point taken."
We followed his scent all the way to a large, twisted tree, where I picked up a second scent mixed up in his.
"Ah, shit." I muttered
"What? What is it?"
"I have a feeling I know who has Anti."
"Who? Stop keeping me in suspense!"
"Channwho? You're not making any sense, Dark."
"Channpreet. She has a... reputation of hunting down and killing demons, but I've always been her main target, since I'm the one that killed her. She's cold and calculated and, long story short, we have to find Anti. Now."
"So she's a ruthless, merciless demon who hunts other demons and hates you with a burning passion? I like her already."
I smiled thinly.
"You're not gonna like her when she slits your throat."
"Way to dim the mood."
I rolled my eyes and, without checking to seeing she was following, I lurched in the direction in which the scent was strong, picking up speed until I was flat out tearing along the concrete.
I couldn't hide the fact that I cared about the green haired demon anymore. I didnt care if Sky found that out and I didnt even care if Anti did either. All I cared about was the fact that his life was at stake, and I was not willing to make that sacrifice.
Sky would have a field day with this.

Without slowing down I turned my head to the side, oddly relieved to see the body of a large, yellow eyed wolf pounding alongside me, Lefty riding regally on her back. I almost smiled at the sight, but then returned my thoughts to the problem at hand.

When we reached our destination, I knew immediately that Chanpreet wasn't there. We did, however, still sneak through the huge, empty building in front of us, aware that she could be lurking around every corner. Wandering around, we were desperate for any sign of life, and I had almost given up when I heard Sky's shout from a room up ahead. Catching up to her, I saw that she was supporting herself against the wall, eyes glassed over with tears that she wouldnt allow to fall. Furrowing my brows in concern, I stepped into the room, letting slip a gasp when I realised what was here.

The room was mostly empty, aside from what looked like a cage centred in the middle of the room. Upon closer inspection,  I saw that there were blood staining the floor inside and around the cage, and I knew as my heart (or lack of) fell that this was why we were here.

He had a- shock collar? around his neck, and he was passed out on the floor. As I moved closer to the cage, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Electrified. Great.
Ignoring the bolts of electricity shooting through my body, I grabbed the door of the cage and tore it off of its hinges before throwing it to the side. Twitching slightly, I bent down to check that he was still breathing. He was. Barely, but he was.
His skin was cold to the touch (colder that usual), and as I bent to pick him up, I noticed a piece of shredded cloth wrapped tightly around his hand, drenched in blood. I tried not to look at it and instead focused on the task at hand.

Sliding my left arm under his head, right arm supporting his legs, I scooped him up bridal style into my arms, my breath catching in my throat as his head just lolled against my chest. As I turned with him in my arms, Sky, who had been keeping lookout with Lefty, forced a comforting smile when she saw my expression.
"Come on, let's take him back. I don't think we have much time."
"What makes you say that?" My voice was barely above a whisper, in fear that I would break down on the spot.
"I just have a feeling. Trust me."
I sighed and nodded, gesturing with my head towards the exit.
"Lead the way, I'm right behind you."
She gave me a knowing look before disappearing out the door. Instead of following her immediately I turned to Anti's expressionless face, hesitantly placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"I'm sorry." I whispered,  having nothing else to say, then gathered myself and followed Sky out of the building.



"Lead the way, I'm right behind you"

After getting Lefty to follow me out, there was a moment of silence before I heard quiet mumbling from the room I had exited. Shaking my head I realised that Dark must have been talking to Anti. I kind of felt sorry for him, if I were to be honest. I mean, when he got so worked up about Anti, it was clear that he cared about him. Luckily for him, I'm fairly sure that Anti (judging by the ways he looks at Dark) feels the same.
I turned back towards the door to see Dark, a cold, determined expression set on his face and Anti cradled in his arms.
Feeling that the air was tense, I decided to as if he was okay.
"Are you-"
"Fine. Let's go."
I looked at him in disbelief but he wasnt looking at me, he was making sure Anti was still breathing. Not even giving me a second glance, he then once again rushed off without me. Whistling to Lefty, I morphed back into a wolf and followed suite.

When I finally caught up to him, Dark was at his place, carefully setting Anti down on an old mattress that he had dragged in from god knows where. Now that we were mostly out of danger, I decided to properly check over and tend to Anti's wounds. I gasped at the state of his hand and winced at the sight of the gash in his stomach. I turned to get Dark's opinion, but he was gone.
Extremely irritated , I attempted to clean up Anti's wounds, doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself. By that time Dark still wasnt back, so I told Lefty to stay with Anti and set out to find him. I may not have been able to pick up scents like Dark could, but it was obvious where he was.

I didnt know what I was going to find when I arrived there, but what I did find sent a wave of nausea over me that almost sent me to the floor.
It was Dark, but something was off about him. His clothes were splattered in blood and he looked... hollow. Empty. Yet somewhat grimly pleased with himself. Ignoring all of the questions swirling around in my mind I approached him, hoping that, somehow, the blood that soaked him wasn't his.

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