No Loose Ends

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The next morning, Joe and Chet sat in the Hardys' van, watching every move made anywhere near the warehouse. They had arrived before the sun had that morning and kept careful watch ever since. Early on they had seen Frank and McKenzie once again enter the warehouse grounds, but that had been hours ago and things were getting dull.

"I always hated surveillance work," Chet grumbled. "There's nothing to do. You can't even leave to get a decent meal."

Joe rolled his eyes and smiled. "Is that why you decided to bring your whole refrigerator? If you had a skillet, you'd be able to prepare the two of us a top notch, gourmet meal."

"Stop it," Chet whined. "You're making me hungry."

"You're always hungry." Joe laughed. "Nothing I say will change anything."

"No." The chubby boy then gave a sly grin. "But it does give me a good excuse to open the potato chips."

Chet reached into the back seat and pulled out his bag of chips. He opened them and pulled out a handful, shoving them into his mouth. Joe reached over to try a bite, but Chet nearly bit his hand off.

"What do you think you're doing?" Chet demanded. "These are my chips!"

"Sorry," Joe said, sarcastically. "Just wanted a quick bite."

"You've got your own!" Chet countered. He never was quite as defensive as he was when it came to food.

"Don't eat too much," Joe warned his friend. "The last thing I need is you falling asleep and leaving me to watch this place on my own. You're here to help me. We both know that if you fall asleep, it will take an earthquake to wake you up again."

"Come on, Joe. Do you even know me? I won't leave you hanging!"

Forty minutes later and a bag of potato chips down had Chet moaning in the passenger seat. "I think I ate too much."

"I've been telling you that for years, but I never thought I'd hear those words leave your lips," Joe teased. He earned himself a glare from his chum.

"I'm serious, Joe. I feel sick."

"Fine," Joe said. "Go lay down in the back seat for a bit. And I'd better not hear one word of complaint from you after you wake up."

Chet smiled as he began climbing into the back. "Thanks pal, you're the best!"

Just seconds later, Chet could be heard snoring soundly in the back seat of the van.

"This may have been a mistake," Joe said to himself as he turned back to watch the warehouse.

Another thirty minutes of watching had Joe shaking himself to stay awake. He'd have to rouse Chet soon to take over watch. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take without going crazy.


Joe sat up straight in his seat. What was that? It had sounded like it came from just outside the van!

The blond boy pulled on his shoes and opened his door, stepping out of the van and shutting the door behind him. A hissing noise caught Joe's attention and he made his way to the back, driver-side tire. He bent down and thumbed at what looked to be a hole in the side of the tire.

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