Who You Are

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Luther parked the car in the garage and hopped out. "Help me move him inside." He ordered casually, as if he needed help bringing in groceries.

Danny followed the big man to the rear of the car and opened the trunk. The boy inside glared back up at him and Luther. "Where are we going to put him?"

"This place may be small, but it does happen to have a basement, unfinished though it may be." Was Luther's reply.

Danny grabbed the boy under the arms while Luther grabbed him by the legs. Together, they hoisted their prisoner out of the trunk and carried him inside. They struggled down the stairs and laid the boy on the cold, concrete ground.

"That'll do, for now" Luther said as he straightened out his back. "We'll lock the door to the basement before turning in so, even if he manages to get out of his bindings, he won't be able to escape."


Danny walked into the kitchen the next morning, wearing a pair sweatpants and a t-shirt that were lent to him by Luther and looked quite baggy. The smell of eggs and bacon met his nose and the boy quickly grabbed a plate and began to fill it.

"Morning." Luther grumbled as he sat himself in the chair across from Danny. It was no secret that the man was none too happy about the situation he'd been cast into. First, he got stuck with the kid who got conked on the head and lost his memory, and now he had a second kid tied up in the basement.

"Good morning." Danny replied, politely. Taking in the man's clean and dressed appearance, he assumed that Luther must be planning on going out. "Where are you off to, this morning?"

"The store." Luther said, not bothering to look up from his food. An orange, tabby cat jumped up on the table and began taking bites of the big man's eggs, but he didn't seem to mind. "Got to get you some clothes of your own to wear since this is starting to look like a more permanent situation."

"Want me to come to try stuff on?"

Luther shook his bald head. "You stay and look after the kid in the basement. Take some food down to him once you finish up your breakfast."

Danny nodded and turned back to his meal. Five minutes later, Luther was out the door and Danny was preparing a plate to take downstairs.


Joe rubbed his wrists together, hoping to find a weakness in the tape that bound him. He'd been trying all night, but nothing seemed to work. The tape was just too tight.

Deciding to take a little break, Joe relaxed a little and let his mind wander to the events of the previous night. Frank had been right there. They'd even made eye contact, yet he didn't seem to hold any recognition in his eyes. Joe had just chalked it up to his brother maintaining character, but he couldn't help that feeling that told him otherwise.

Why hadn't Frank come for him? He was certainly in the house, so why didn't he sneak down in the middle of the night to free Joe? This place was far from fortified and Frank seemed to be well trusted. So what was holding him back?

Joe was drawn from his thoughts by the sound of a door opening and closing, followed by footsteps coming down the stairs. The next moment, Frank appeared, carrying what looked to be a plate of food. He bent down beside Joe and used a knife to cut the tape around his wrists.

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