04: Momentum

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[Not Edited]


❞Don't trust a new face, even the pretty ones.❞

One month later)

It has been a month and everything seems to get better. The coven is still on edge, because of the Original twins, but so far everything is good. Too good. The Mikaelson twins and Kai have gotten close. But, it seems someone is trying to separate them. Josette has made her personal mission, to get them to pay attention to her. But it seems unsuccessful for now.

The Parkers house is almost empty because most of the are on, one of the meetings of the coven. Only, Kai is in the house waiting for, Mieczysław and Alisun. They were starting to teach Kai more complicated spells. 

Kai sigh, ''Where are they? This is a perfect time to practice because the coven has a meeting and they won't interrupt us again.'' he looked at the clock annoyed.

At that moment the twins teleported in the house looking bored. They heard that their father 'Mikael' has been very busy, in New York. Mikael for the past century has been trying to find them and talk to them. The twins know, why he has been trying to find them and they didn't want to talk with him at the moment. Talking and all that mundane stuff are not their thing. 

Alisun and Stiles look at Kai unamused because they have been used him already. The twins look at each other and smirk.

''Your impatience is rather annoying right now, Kai.'' Alisun rolled her eyes. She has been annoyed, with Mikael and his constant obsession over their brother Niklaus and his vendetta. 

Kai tensed but soon relaxed turning around, ''Someone has angered you, hm? I wonder who is the unlucky person...?!'' he teases while smirking at the twins.

''You have no idea. Let's start now before Joshua and annoying twin #2 came back.'' Stiles tilted his head.

Kai looked at them puzzled, ''Where is your usual sarcasm? You both look annoyed by something and is not me this time.''.

The twins' exchange looks before muttering, ''Mikael, again''.

''Mikael? What does he want from you? Why is he not tracking, Klaus or whatever his name was, till the end of the world?'' Kai widens his eyes looking curious.

Alisun looks at him, ''Long story, Sunshine. Some other time we tell it. Let's begin.'' she said in a monotone voice.

Kai looked even more curious before shrugging slightly, ''Let's start'' he claps excitedly.

Stiles looks at the door and then Alisun, ''We have company.''.

''Who?'' Kai looks at the door and furrowed his eyebrows.

Kai starts walking towards the door and the twins start following him. He opens the door and sees the man that was here in the day he met the twins - Elion or something like that.

The man looks at Kai shocked, ''Um...is Joshua here, perhaps? He said that he will come back after the meeting.''. Then he looks behind him and sees the Mikaelson twins and widens his eyes at the strangers.

''No, Joshua has not come back. You were here before, right.....um, Elion?'' Kai looked at him wearily and annoyed.

The man nods, ''Yes, my name is Elion, I was here a month ago. Will it be a problem if I wait for him?'' he asks politely and smiled a bit.

''Of course, he can wait for him.'' a voice was heard and Kai and Elion turned towards it and see Stiles smirking at Elion.

Alisun chuckled at her twin brother, ''Yes come in. The more the merrier.'' she tilted her head smirking.

''Okay come on in. Don't touch anything, hm?'' Kai glares at Elion because, how the twins are watching him. Especially, Stiles who is eyeing him up and down, hungrily.

'I hate how, Mischief is watching him. Ugh, Kai....stop. This mate thing is getting to me already. I sound like a jealous wife.' - Kai thought.

Elion steps into the house and goes towards the kitchen to sit there and wait. Joshua has promised him something and he is planing on, finally taking it.

Stiles smirks at Kai as he knew, what he was he was thinking. For the past month, he has been teasing Kai and watching him getting jealous is the best thing for, Mieczysław. He liked how obsessive he was becoming over him. Jealousy. Jealousy is an emotion he has never experienced before. He has never felt any emotions and he was good with that. Emotions make you weak- for him. Love makes you weak, love will destroy you. He has seen it in humans and is pathetic for him to be honest.

He is not human and either is his twin sister Alisun. They don't know, what it is like to feel. They were born in these bodies but they are not human bodies. They were never human. For centuries they have walked this earth and have seen many things. Death is something common for them. Death is reserved for mortals. Colonies rise and fall mostly because of them. They have no mercy, they have no souls. 

They are empty. Void. Void of emptiness and coldness. Humans are more bloodthirsty sometimes than actual vampires. They have seen what humans can do, how emotionless they can be too. But the twins are born emotionless. They have no mercy for anyone. Even for their own family.

Elion sits down on the chair, ''I don't think we have met. My name is Elion Novak. Are you perhaps in the coven also?'' he turned to the twins.

''No we are not.'' Alisun answers in a monotone voice.

''Then how are you in this house? Joshua does not anybody here unless they are from the coven or have business with him.'' Elion looked at them curiously.

Stiles smug-smirks, ''Believe me, we have no business with, Joshua.'' he looks at him with a pointed look.

Kai looks Elion suspiciously. He does not like the man, he is strange. The feeling he is getting from him is that he does not like his father, much. Like he needs to be here forcefully.

''You sound like you don't like him very much?'' Elion states more than asks.

''What makes you think that? The Parker family and we go, way back.'' Alisun grins darkly.

Elion shivers a little at her dark look, ''I don't think that anybody likes that man...no offense, Kai. I know he is your; Dad.'' he looks at Kai again with pity. Like he knows something that he doesn't.

''Dad....if you say so,'' Kai mutters under his breath but they still heard him, ''What kinda business you have with him? He does not like strangers and neither does the coven.''.

''Nothing important. I just want to talk with him'' Elion said with a blank face but his heart speeds up and the twins hear it.

Stiles laughs loudly, ''You are a terrible lier, witch. I and my sister can read people very well, even without the supernatural hearing we could, you are lying.'' he speeds in front of him.

The man jumps widening his eyes, ''V-Vampires?! No no no...look this is, between me and him. I mean no harm to any of you. I just want him to tell me something and I will leave'' Elion looked terrified.

''We know....we know, what you want. We know everything.'' Alisun sighs in boredom.

Elion looked confused and was gonna say something but someone interrupted him even before he starts talking.

''I don't know. Not everyone has 'all the knowledge in the world'.'' Kai rolled his eyes.

The man composes himself and sighs, ''He has something that I want. That was taken away from my family.'' Elion tells truthfully.


Words: 1241 

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