College life

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Description: This is basically just a day in the life of Fiddleford and Ford in college. Except this is how they start dating. Enjoy!!

Stanford Pines was truly a man of mystery. That was for certain. He had six fingers, a wacky sleep schedule, and an unusual obsession and love for the paranormal. But what confused his roommate more was how he didn't have a partner yet! Fiddleford found him extremely attractive and was very fond of him. He was anxious about dropping hints about liking him, and when he finally did, Ford didn't even understand them! You would have thought that someone with a high IQ like Stanford would have caught on to it quickly, but, no, this man was clueless to his tan haired roommates hints.
One day, Fiddleford was feeling quite confident and brave. As to why, he had no clue. But he took that courage and decided to take a chance for once. So he conjured a plan to make Ford realize that he, Fiddleford McGucket, had a big crush on him.
The plan was this: Have someone lead and lock them both in a closet together with no lights, no food, nothing. Then Fiddleford would suggest a game of Truth or Dare to pass the time. If the other man agreed, they would play. If he didn't, Fiddleford would stay persistent and urge Ford to play. He would eventually give in. After a few truths and dares, and Ford saying "Dare," Fiddleford would say something extremely risky. "Kiss me."
That was the whole plan, as it was happening now. The tan haired man had earlier chosen a colleague from one of his mechanism classes, and told them to do...well, here, just see for yourself.
The Fords waited impatiently in front of the janitors closet for Michelle, Fiddlefords friend-but-not-really. Soon, Michelle was walking towards them with her hands held behind her back. When she was in front of them, she gave a small nod to Fiddleford and turned to the other stranger.
"Have we met?" She asked. Ford glanced at her before turning his head and hiding his hands behind his back, copying her position from before. "No, I don't believe so... My name is Stanford Pines. Most people call me Ford, though."
Michelle gave him a weird look. "I'm Michelle, nice to meet you. I'm Fiddleford's... friend?" She said unsure. The tan haired man was quite sure that she didn't mean that. Fiddleford didn't have any friends at Backupsmore until Stanford came. Fiddleford ignored the last part and asked knowingly, "So, why are we here? You asked ta see us earlier this mornin'"
"Well, I need to show you guys something. It's, uh..." Ford raised his eyebrow impatiently as to say "Yes?"
She shoved them in and quickly locked the door. "Hey!" Ford said, obviously alarmed. Fiddleford was a bit surprise himself; even if he planned the whole thing. He hadn't planned for her to push them both in with no signal for him. He had told her to move a strand of her hair behind her ear, but it was clear that she had not been listening very well.
They both sat, squished knee to knee, with the realization that they'd be stuck in here. Fiddleford looked in the door crack to only see the poster for the upcoming school events.
His eyes widened. 'Had she left?' He thought. 'I had told her specifically not to leave!' Then he remembered just how much the woman was listening and cared. 'Oh well, I can still work with the plan! Gee, I hope this works!'
He sighed, full with nervousness. "How long do you suppose we'll be in here?" Stanford suddenly asked to try to stop the silence. One of the thing that he couldn't stand was silence. He found it very uncomfortable and it made him worry. "Not sure...but in the meantime, would ya like ta play Truth or Dare?"
Fiddleford smiled at him. Stanford had always seen his smiles as friendly and Charming. He always would, too. The brown haired man figured that they would be in this closet for a while, so he might as well enjoy it. Besides, he knew that his friend was very persistent and he could never say no to him.
Ford returned the smile, "Sure," he said, "What's the harm?"
The two friends played the game, asking dumb things and forcing each other to go way out of their comfort zone. They felt safe, though. In each others company, they felt like they were invincible. At one moment, Fiddleford chose a dare. Stanford thought, 'What could I do? Hmm...I could make him do something weird? Nah, we've done that too many times. What about-?'
The younger man blushed and quietly stuttered out, "K-Kiss me..."
The lanky man's eyes widened with shock. When Stanford saw his roommates expression he quickly went back in his words. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean that! You don't have to!" Ford shook his hands frantically as he panicked. Suddenly, his shirt was pulled, making his body move with it. Stanford was met with a pair of soft lips and closed eyes. He sat there, not kissing back because of how shocked he was, with his hand laying on his friends leg. Stanford didn't know if he was doing this correctly, but he kissed back.
Both of their faces were bright red and happy. They had never predicted that this would happen! Although, both had dreamt about it many times. When they had pulled away for air, they both just stared silently at each other. Stanford smiled happily at his crush when his crush smiled back.
"Y'know, Stanford, I was plannin' for you ta kiss me, but that works too." Fiddleford smirked a little. He stopped smirking at the sight of Ford's confused face.
"Haha, let me explain..."

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