The Boy Named Jisung

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So, today is really the day huh? Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm actually getting a puppy! What am I even thinking, getting a puppy right now? I haven't even gotten all the stuff for him/her yet! You know what Y/N it's fine. It's fine. Stop freaking out everything will be oka- *trip* I start to fall down the stairs of the train station, I stop rolling at the end of the steps, ".....ouch" I say holding my head. A little kid comes up to me, "Are you okay miss?! I saw you fall down the stairs and I didn't know how to help...I'm sorry...but are you okay? It looked like it really hurt. Do you need help up?" I giggle at the child's kind gesture "No thank you sweety, I got it, but thank you for checking on me. That was a very nice thing to do, your parents would be very proud of you. Don't you think?" the child nodded his head, "I think they would be proud...I think?" I giggled at the kid again. I hear someone in the distance yelling, "Jisung! Jisung?!" the boy turned around. Oh, so his name is Jisung? The lady yelling came to him, "Jisung, I thought I told you to stay with us?", the lady looked at me and I stood up in embarrassment, "Who is this Jisung?" The boy turned to who I assumed was his mother and said, "I don't know her name yet, she fell down the stairs and I came to help her...what's your name miss??" I looked at the boy with kind eyes, smiled and replied, "Y/N". The boy smiled back at me kindly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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