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Taehyung recognized Jungkook as soon as he saw him on the other side of the hall in the orientation, sitting with his friends, he had grown quite smart, muscular, tall and sexy that’s all Taehyung can think of right now, they studied in the middle school together, Jungkook was a nerd at that time, wearing heavy glasses, hair combed properly, always so tidy and clean and mostly found in library, teacher’s favorite, a sweet little boy, they both even met in the library while looking for the same book and that’s how their friendship started. Taehyung figured out they were quite opposite but being with younger (only by three months) was fun, he could share anything, the same goes for Jungkook too who would always look at Taehyung with so much love that he can be lost in those eyes but things ended for the two of them when Jungkook proposed Taehyung one day and the later not at all prepared for it said no, he looked at Jungkook just as a friend nothing much, that broke their hearts, Jungkook’s more because of getting rejected and Taehyung because of making the other cry, he tried to apologise to the younger but Jungkook stopped coming to school from that day onwards and after a week or two they got the news of him transferred to some other school.


Here they are meeting again on their college first day and Taehyung is determined to not let the younger go this time, he had feelings for Jungkook but realized it late till the time the younger already left him, so now since he got another chance he was going to make full use of it, that’s what he thought, so as soon as the boring meeting ended in which their main focus was on food, he and his friend Jimin and Hoseok, took a beeline towards the food. Taehyung found Jungkook standing below the shade of a tree talking to his friends he immediately made some reason and approached Jungkook; he thought it was good opportunity to meet him. He had a personality of doing things on the spur of moment, thinking would only waste time and energy, he likes to act impulsively and before anyone can blink he was there standing behind Jungkook patting on his shoulder, he could feel the muscle there and got more excited for the encounter, Jungkook turns to glare at him, their eyes meet, it changes to that of shocked, Taehyung likes it, that means Jungkook still remembers him.


“Hey Jungkook! Do you remember me, we were classmates back in middle school, you were nerd back then, always wearing glasses, and you also pro-“ Jungkook puts a hand on Taehyung’s mouth to make him shut, he was looking pissed now, Taehyung was a little surprised with the fluctuations of the mood and tries to speak but was cut off with him.


“That was a stupid teenage crush, I am over with it” Taehyung whines gesturing him to remove his hands, Jungkook does so, looking at him with sharp eyes. 


Taehyung was disappointed, very much disappointed “How can you say so, I looked for you all these years, maybe no I am sure of it I love you too” he says with a smile and could see Jungkook freeze for a moment before he shrugs it off. It was not an ideal way to propose being the way Jungkook brought a whole hand-made card and chocolates for him but Taehyung was disappointed and couldn’t wait any longer. 


“W-What are you going to play revenge on me, see I am saying it I am sorry, I was kid back then, cute kid” Taehyung almost yells in shock, this gets Jungkook’s friends attention who avoided the two thinking they were talking something not that interesting.


“Kook who is he?” one of them asks the three asks their attention to Taehyung only, looking at him suspiciously.

Boy In Love //   Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now