Chapter 1

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Peter's point of view~

"I can't believe it's been a few months since I lost my family....."I thought as I look up at the sky."Well I better get back to the orphanage before I get in trouble."

~time skip brought to by ANDRE M. MAH FRIEND~

"Peter!" Jess,the adoption lady,says as I just walked straight in without my suit on of course."You're finally here! Why don't you go eat dinner while we wait for two most important people come!" Jess says with a sick smile on her face.

"Sure....." I reply with a weird look on my face as I go to the kitchen."as if I'll eat I can't eat at all which I know I should but I can't" I thought as I switched directions to my bedroom.

~Meanwhile with Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers~
•~• Steve Rodgers point of view •~•

"Hey babe can we talk?" I asked as I walked into Tony's lab."yeah what's up sweetie?" Tony says while not looking up still working on a new suit." I was thinking about adopting a kid a teenager who can take care of himself and I was hoping you would allow it."I said walking up to Tony."really now?" Tony asks looking up at his boyfriend. "Well I agree I'll get in touch with an orphanage and we'll go today does that sound good to you?"
"Yes thanks babe!"I say as I kiss Tony.

~back with Peter~
•~• Peter's point of view•~•

"I know I'm not going to get adopted" I thought as I hear the adoption lady call for teens to come down. I walk downstairs and hide behind Grace, a nice kid with light blue hair and light blue eyes,as two figures come in. I stay looking down until I see black shoes at my gaze. "Hi what's your name kid?" The person asks. "My name is Peter Parker." I say as I look up at the person who is Tony Stark. "Well I think you know who I am so is it okay if I ask you a few questions?" Tony asks. "Uhhhh s-sure" I stutter a bit while mentally fangirling. He starts asking questions and I answer them truthfully all while keeping Spiderman a secret. "Can I adopt you?" He asks. "Y-yea"I stutter shocked at the fact that THE TONY FREAKING STARK IS WANTING TO ADOPT ME.
I run upstairs to pack my things while Tony Stark is signing the adoption papers. "Well someone's excited?" Steve says as he walks in to see me pack my stuff fast. "Who wouldn't be?!?! The Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers is adopting me!" I say as I continue rambling on and on while I just finished packing.
Steve laughs at how I keep rambling. "Gee I never met anyone whose very excited to live with the avengers." He says. "Uhh I'm sorry for rambling I do that when I'm excited or nervous" I say completely embarrassed. "It's fine" he says reassuringly.

~time skip by ANDRE M. when they get to the tower Peter of course fell asleep on the way over to the tower and is now in his bedroom~
•~• Tony's pov•~•

"So what you're telling me is that you adopted a kid and will be living with us?" Natasha aka the black widow asks. "Yes" I say. "Okay man of iron but what happens if the tower gets attacked and Peter gets hurt?" Thor asks. "Well we just have to protect him as much as we can" I say.

ThE nExT dAy
•~• Peter's POV •~•

I wake up not knowing where I am until I remember I was adopted by Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers. I get up and go to the door and open it and step out and close it behind me. I look around and walk around and I get lost pretty easily. "Damn...." I mutter under my breath. "Sir do you need help getting to wherever you want to go?" J.A.R.V.I.S the ai Tony created asks. I scream frightened by the talking ai in the roof "uhhh y-y-yea....." I say still shocked "where is Mr Stark?" "He is currently in the lab working on a new suit I'll show you to the kitchen so you can eat because my scanners show me you are incredibly skinny for a person" JARVIS says.


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