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Matt's POV:

i'm abruptly woken by a huge crash downstairs. i fly up and it hits me whats happening. the house is being broken into. i grab the gun next to my bed and open my door slowly. the boys each poke their heads out of their room. and i look at them. we share an understanding look. we all begin to make our way, silently, towards the stairs. i hear the basement door open, and think nothing of it at first, but then i hear her pained cries, and remember, that y/n is down there.

       i hear a thud, and a groan. i look around wildly at each of the guys. they each have either an expression of pure anger, worry, or horror. i see mason about take off downstairs, but toby holds him back. we can't react irrationally right now. y/n's life is on the line. i hear whispers and focus my attention.

"here's one of them. you said there was seven total right?" my heart drops. we were being watched. the whole fucking time.

"yes. we have to figure out which one of these cunts is the one who killed james." i remember the story y/n, cam, swagger, and jay told us, about the set-up at the store.

"it was me!" y/n screamed.

"no, no, no" i heard mason mumble and he lunged forward again, but toby held on.

"shut the fuck up bitch. we will talk with your friends first." one of them said. i hear a crack almost, and y/n let out a scream. they laughed. i looked around, and cam gave the signal. we prepared for this kinda shit, it is the apocalypse after all, and it's every group for themselves. i stay up at the balcony with swagger, and we get ready to snipe. the rest head towards the stairs, and down it slowly. all at once, we stand and have them locked in our sights.

"let her go!" cam screams out. and all heads turn toward him. one of them laugh.

"or else?" this time cam laughed.

"look around you bitch, it's obviously not just me. and the one you have, can take your ass out." the leader looks down at y/n, and laughs.

"this frail thing? please." just then, i watched y/n flip herself around, lock her feet around his ankle, and pull. he ended up on the ground with a thud. she grabbed his gun and straddled him, holding the gun to his forehead.

cam just cleared his throat.

"how about you leave, and at least the rest of you live?" but they stay in their place.

    only one gun shifted towards y/n's head. i took aim. i looked at cam for clearance, and he shook his head yes. i pulled the trigger, and a shot sounded. a thud rung out, and that was followed by multiple gun shots. y/n shot the guy on the ground, and then turned and shot another. i aimed again, taking another one down. we couldn't really see how many people were here, but we knew we had to be careful. we couldn't shoot y/n, that would be pretty bad.

"y/n, how many?"

"there were around 11 before you guys shot anyone."

    a bullet soared right by my head, causing me to duck. my heart rate is going insane. but i get back up. and take aim once again.

Your POV:

firing back and forth has lasted a couple minutes, but there's one person left. i can see him, making his way upstairs. i take a deep breath, and run to him. i reach him, and tackle him just before he reaches the bottom stair. i thank the fucking lord none of the boys' bullets hit me. i land next to him, and he quickly finds his way on top of me, punching me in the face a couple times. i finally catch one of his hands and take the chance to headbutt him. he groans, and i roll us over. i grab my gun, and push it to his head.

"fuck. you." i breathed heavily before hitting him with the butt of the gun.

after making sure he was knocked out and not dead, i rolled onto my back next to him and breathed heavily. the boys make it gradually down stairs. while matt and jay tie up the guy and throw him downstairs, mason, cam, swagger, and toby make their way over to me.

"y/n? are you okay?" i groan.

"yeah yeah. i'm okay. are you?" i get a collective yes. cam sticks his hand out hand. i grab onto his hand and he helps me up. after scanning the house, and coming up dry, we all flop onto the couch. i groan.

"guys. we still have to take care of 11 bodies. and quick. before the zombies smell that shit. and if i'm being honest..." i trail off and point towards the door, that had been knocked off its hinges. "we need to find someway to fix that shit, or we are fucked." the boys groan too. we are all fucking exhausted.

but eventually we stand, and cam starts giving orders.

"okay, and mason will start moving the bodies. swagger and matt, work on the door. y/n, toby, and jay, start cleaning this. even the smell of blood will attract them. we need to do this quick." we all jump to work. before i start my task, i show cam and mason where the wheelbarrows are, for obvious reasons, and swagger and matt where the tools are. i then went outside and pumped some of the well water up, and filled up three buckets. thank god my mom insisted upon having a well in our yard. though we couldn't drink it, it's still been super helpful during this scenario. one i have the buckets and soap, i start cleaning everything with jay and toby.

i've never seen SO MUCH blood in my life. i feel like shit about killing those people, but it was us or them. i take a deep breath, and start to work again. it's nauseating.

swagger and matt finish their task first, and start helping mason and cam. who, by the way, were having a worse time than us. which makes sense. eventually, we were almost done. we dumped out the last buckets of bloody mop water and the boys took out the last body. a scream arose from outside. i grabbed my pistol, and run towards the door. there was a zombie who was right behind matt, but before i could kill it, cam shot it right in the head. matt calmed down, but we all rushed inside.

"you okay?" i ask matt, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"ye-yeah. just scared me." he laughed. "we need to be careful, he's most likely not the only one."

we all nod, and sit on the couch together. we kept guns nearby.

"hey guys, i'm gonna run upstairs and change out of this... it's covered in blood." i walk into my room, and look through my closet. i decide on some black slightly ripped jeans and a red kinda cropped shirt. i havent dressed like this in a while. i run down the stairs, and and throw my clothes in the pile to be washed. i flop down on the couch, in between cam and mason. swagger looks at me for a second, and starts laughing.

"oi cunt what is it?" i say to him.

"are you going emo on us now?" i laugh.

"well, before this shit happened, i was pretty much an egirl without the following. i wear other clothes too of course, but this is what most of my closet consists of. just ask toby." toby nods quickly chuckling a bit. i shrug.

"that explains why you're so hot." mason says smirking at me. i smack his arm and laugh.

finally, the sun rises, engulfing the room is gorgeous yellows, oranges, and pinks. we all calm down, after such an eventful night. we all pass out right there on the couches, all squished together. my head finds it's way to cams lap, and my feet to masons.

i feel almost like i have a new family. i miss my old one of course. i miss them like hell.

but i think i could get used to this scuffed little family.
hi sorry it took me so long to update i keep getting really busy with school and shit. and i actually kinda have a social life now which is weird lol. but, hope you enjoyed and sorry about this one being a bit longer.

please please please continue giving me ideas for this. thank you!!

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