Kira x Male!reader

61 1 17

Ey I wanna cr-

Kira's POV:

I have been sitting in class for a while..... It's really rare for me to do this but- why does he make me feel this way?? That damn Y/n, so hot looking, and- hhHHHhHhhhHHh!!!! I can't stop this! I thought I wouldn't be able to crush on anyone except my fiction bae's. If I told this about the gang, they'll tease me non-stop and well..... Tell him!!

Damn I'm dramatic-

"Okay class, let's pick our partners for our project." Said Mrs. Grand (tbh not a real teacher that we know of).

Everyone got up and went towards their bf/gf or their friends, when I was left alone. I tried to look for free people...(other than Y/n) but that was too late.

"Who here doesn't have a partner?" Mrs. Grand said looking around for answers. "Me." I casually said walking towards her until I saw Y/n. His shiny, soft looking H/c locks and beautiful e/c orbs looking back at her black ones.

"Ah, Kira now your paired up with Y/n, let's start. Okay class lock arms with your partners so I can count how many are participating and explain what we'll be doing." She said walking towards the board. When we locked out arms together his elbow accidentally hitted my boobs making it slightly jiggle. I looked away blushing because, I swore I saw a hint of redness on his cheeks.

I heard a small "sorry" from him as I replied in a nod. He smirked a bit but instantly went back to his normal frown.

Timeskip~ brought by Kira yelling at the author wich is me-

DAmn teAchEr- she told us to do it in a private space. We were told to experiment on wires and electronics. He was so close to me. Are hands slightly touch sending vibrations through my body.

I blushed but turned my head towards the side hoping he won't see.

Y/n's POV:

W-why?? Damn that teach! She knew all along what will happen. She knew I had a crush on Kira. Uwaaaahhh!~ maybe I should die. It's so embarrassing. I accidentally softly elbowed her boobs. I had no idea why I was smirking too. when she turned her head she looked so cute.

Her hands are soft when she touches mines. I wanna cuddle her and call her mine, but she might reject me and like someone else....... I sighed and looked at the almost done wires then at the directions.

"Hey, shouldn't we put this wire through the A Cord?" I said looking the directions then at her. "Oh, your right. We have detach it to the F wire though." She sighed in dissapointment.  I chuckled, "it's okay, as long we have eachother we can make a great team!" Wait- wHat Am I sAYinG???!?!? StUpid YyyyYYy/nNn!!! I mentally punched myself but stoped when I saw her my eyes widened.
Her face was red and her bangs covered her face so I couldn't her her face clearly.

I heard a faint "T-thank you.....". She then looked up smiling her glasses showing her bright black eyes. "Thank you!" She said again and looked at me laughing. Should I be worried? I mean, liKe- her laugh is cute and all, but then again. We're in class. I blushed, forming a small smile plastered on my face.

Timeskip~ this bish looks like an cheesy anime scene- iM sorRy-

Kira's POV:

We finished our project and It was time to go home. Thank god we got a perfect grade.
But....I'm really happy that he said the to me, maybe if-? No! He won't, he wouldn't love a girl like me. I mean, I hang out with my gang. Ruby, Gwen, Azzy, and Kevin. We also hang with Anna and Kula. And maybe the other girls.

So you can say, were that one annoyingly cool weeb group. We always make squealing noises In the back table because we talk about our husbando's but Gwen doesn't talk about this with us. She just dubs anime while we all laugh and our upperclassmen just look at us weirdly and the other kids.

I grabbed putted my stuff into my backpack and locked my locker. "Hey, Kira wanna go now? Your such a slowpoke" Ruby and Gwen said jokingly; they both stood besides my locker waiting already having their stuff on. Ruby and Gwen are my childhood friends. We met since kindergarten. We weren't really much after that but then we started to get a reunion. Or that's what Ruby felt (Lmao authors feelings).

"Yes let's go, and I'm just faster than you." I said smirking walking towards the gate with them following behind me. "Ya sure? Cuz last time we had a race I was indeed much more faster." Ruby said grinning with her arms crossed. "C'mon guys why are you all doing this to me??" Gwen said groaning. "That was only in 7th grade Ruby, were 17 now!" I said. She argued back. We just kept on arguing and Gwen left us cuz her mom was already there to pick her up.

Of course we just laughed at the end. Knowing that we don't hurt eachother that much. Even though we already did......but that's all in the past.

"K, see ya Kira I gotta go now, my mom will kill me if I come late, oh the gang said to meet up at the buffet for our 2nd year anniversary!" She said before running off. Now I'm alone. Just peaceful silence filled me till I heard the door creak open.

I turned widened my eyes seeing a familiar H/c headed with his bangs covering his eyes. He looked up shocked seeing I'm still here. I saw bruises on his face with a bandage on his cheek Wich was messed up. "H-hey are you okay???" I ran up to him checking him for any signs of abuse. He just looked down at me in guilt, wait- guilt? His full eyes said so. "I-im sorry." His soft voice, now shakily hoarse. I couldn't really hear him. "What?" I asked wanting an answer. I wanted to hurt who ever did this to first crush. I wanted to hug him and give him kisses....but he's not mines to touch, yet. "I-IM SORRY-!" I cutted him off by smashing lips onto his. His lips were soft/rough. It felt warm....maybe because of the blood. His face heated up, he hesitated a bit not wanting to get hurt, but wanting to enjoy this, so he kissed back.

I broke the kiss by pulling back for air. We panted, I looked at him with a sweet smile mouthing something audible. He gasped and started to tear up and he nodded.

"Be my boyfriend?💖"

So, how do you like it so far? Ikr Kira got confidence.

1159 word count
Not really counting this

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