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January 27, 2008

It was afternoon. Despite it being January already, it still snowed like if it was still December.

A black Cadillac sedan was driving through a snowy road as snowflakes lightly fall down from the sky.

"At least it's not raining, right, boss?" the driver, with a thick Italian accent, asked as he looked at the rear mirror to see the Italian man sitting in the back.

The man with a handsome but tough face wore a black coat over a black suit and tie, along with a fedora on top of his head—the brim of the hat covering his eyes.

"If I may ask," said the driver, stopping for a few seconds before continuing again. "Is there a reason why you're adopting this girl? You already have three kids."

"Angelo?" the driver's boss finally spoke.

"Yeah, boss?"

"Shut up, will you?"

"Of course."

The car finally made a stop in front of an orphanage. The driver got out of the vehicle and went towards the passenger door and opened it for the man to step out. Once the man left the vehicle, he looked at the driver, gesturing him to stay with the car.

As the man walked towards the orphanage's front door, he knocked on it with his knuckles three times.

He waited for a few seconds until a the door was opened by a middle-aged woman in nun attire, supposedly the abbess of the orphanage. She saw the Italian man and smiled.

"Don Giovanni," the abbess greeted him with a bow. "Welcome back."

"Hello, again, Mother Andrea," the man, now known as Don Giovanni, removed the fedora from his head and bowed back in respect.

The two raised their heads back up.

"I'm here to pick her up," Don Giovanni tells her.

"Please come in."

Mother Andrea welcomed the don inside the orphanage, escorting him down a hallway.

"Please let me warn you, Don Giovanni, this girl can be a bit troublesome," warned the abbess as she was walking with the mob boss down the hall.

"I'll see for myself. Then I'll determine if that's true or not," the Italian man replied in a fruity tone. The man appeared to be in his mid-thirties, with dark brown hair in quiff hairstyle. The nun leads Don Giovanni into a room where a nine-year-old Chinese girl with shoulder-length black hair was jumping up and down on a bed. The nun sighed as she looked at the young girl.

"Lucienne Boyer, you have a visitor," The nun announced. "So, please stop jumping on the bed, you might hurt yourself."

"Ok, Sister Nora!" The young girl known as Lucienne jumped off the bed and walked towards the nun and Italian man. She looked up at Don Giovanni then turned to sister Nora. "Who is he?" She asked.

"This is Don Vito Giovanni, he is here to adopt you," The nun answered the little girl with a smile. Lucienne looks back at the Don, his rough face starting intimidate her. "Say hello."

Lucienne gulped as she stared at the Italian man. "H-Hello."

Don Giovanni smiled warmly at Lucienne, easing her nervousness as he went down on one knee to look at her at eye level. "It's nice to meet you, Lucienne," he says with a soothing, yet still rough, sounding voice. "You can call me Mr. Gio, until you're comfortable enough to call me your father."

Lucienne wasn't sure about this, but this is the first time someone ever requested to adopt her. She was afraid she might have to end up in foster homes. She saw Mr. Gio hold his hand out to her. She looked at the big hand and slowly reached out to it until she held onto it.

Mr. Gio smiled as he stands back up. "Let's go to the car." He says before walking with Lucienne out of the orphanage.


When arriving at the mansion, Don Giovanni exited the luxury sedan they rode in, and Lucienne followed him from behind. As they made it to the front door of the estate, Don Giovanni knocked on the door before a woman opened it.

The woman looked to be around her 50s, and her grey hair is in a bun. She noticed the don and bowed her head to him. "Welcome home, Don Giovanni," the woman sees the little girl behind the Italian man's leg. "Who is this little girl?"

Don Giovanni looked down at the Asian girl and smiled. "This is Lucienne Boyer," he answered. "She'll be apart of the Giovanni family from now on. So, Izabella, please treat her with as much respect you give to me."

The older woman looked back at Don Giovanni and nodded as a response before moving aside so the two can enter the home.

Lucienne looked around in the mansion and saw the tallest ceiling she's ever seen. It has a lovely crown molding, a table in the center with two flights of spiral staircases going up to the second floor. She looked down and couldn't help but stare at the ceramic, marble tiles of the floor.

"Where are the kids?" Don Giovanni asked.

"In their rooms," answered the maid.

"Bring them down for me."

The maid nodded and left upstairs. Later, two boys and a girl came down the stairs. An attractive brunette, seventeen-year-old boy, came down first, followed by an eighteen-year-old girl with long-brunette hair, and lastly a cute boy with blonde hair came down who is the same age as Lucienne. When all three of them came down, they had their eyes on Lucienne.

"Who's the little girl, father?" asked the daughter of the family.

"A secret love child I assume?" chuckled the eldest brother. "Our lives are becoming more like a soap opera."

"Behave yourself, Angelo." The girl glared at her brother. She looks back at her father with a gentle glance and smile. "So who is she, father?"

"Lucia, boys. This young lady is Lucienne Boyer," the don answered. "I adopted her from the orphanage I visited, so I expect you all to make her feel welcome into our family."

The little blonde boy walked up to Lucienne. "Hello, Lucienne," he greeted her with a smile. "My name's Marcello, I hope we can be friends!"

"Y-Yeah." Lucienne nodded nervously.

She hasn't realized it now, but she feels like he'll be an important person in her life later.

Lucienne  (DISCONTINUED|NEW CANON STORY IN THE WORKS)Where stories live. Discover now