A basic day

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there's a darkness, it's coming slowly but we don't have much time sooner or later we will be just ashes or dust in the wind .

A beast with a cold heart that kills in a instant  your heart beats faster as the ice cold monster leaps out with the thirst and hunger for your soul .

as you run with no breath you know  you can't escape as it pounces to it's prey! , were you know it's all over

"Avril we get the idea!" Ellen said

" sorry you wanted to know the ending " i said

" yea but you didn't have to read it out loud?"

" well sorry , it's just that this book well..."

"yes" Ellen said curiously

"never mind"

'school bell rings'

"come on lets get  to class" i said

Ellen and Avril were running to class

" alright roll check " said Ms wallens

" Rachel"

" yes miss "

" Diana"

"yes miss"

" Anasalisa"

" it's Anastasia miss"

" yes I knew that right?, Eunsol"

" yes miss"

"Avril, Avril?...does anyone know where Avril is ?"

" she's probably late miss i saw her and Ellen this morning " Diana said

" those little  maggots  maybe they should get a watch!"

Avril and Ellen come racing in

" i told you it was week B " Ellen said with a snarling voice

" I'm sorry maybe someone should bring their time table!"

" come off it Avril i help in when your in need "

" i've help you "

" your not very good at it "

" what  are saying "

Miss Wallans looks at both of giving them daggers

" your done yet?" said miss Wallens

Ellen and Avril freeze and turn slowly

" oh hi miss we were just going to sit down " Avril said with a nervous tone

" really?,well you took your time didn't you girls" she said in a calm voice

" miss we can explain ! " Ellen said

" NO,I don't want to her another little excuse" she said with a ranging tone

" get in your seats we can talk about this after class" miss wallens snarled

Avril and Ellen back away slowly and got into their seats as Ms Wallans continues the roll.

" alright now girls today we are reciting Shakespeare's master piece hamlet "

" aw I hate Shakespeare " Avril said to Ellen

" at least were not doing romeo and juliet " she said  back to me

ms wallans hands out books of hamlet to everybody we were selected into groups to play a section

" to be or not be that's the question " I said in a dual tone

" be more passionate Avril like this, to be or not to be that is the question?" she said very poetically

" Miss I don't want to be hamlet , can i be a tree or rock"

"Avril you were chosen so you are hamlet no question"

and then we had to perform it to the class

" TO BE OR NOT TO BE , that is the question"

there was a pause  every one was looking at me

" Ellen what's the next bit "

"um it's Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune"

"  Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune  Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,And by opposing end them: to die, to sleepNo more; and by a sleep, to say we end The Heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocksThat Flesh is heir to? 'Tis aconsummationDevoutly to be wished. To die to sleep "

then  i get interrupted by the bell 

" ok will finish this off tomorrow, now Avril ,Ellen come here " Ms Wallans said

Ellen and i come forward

" now listen here you are ever late you will straight to the head master office got it "

" yes miss" we both said

" now you can clean up the room and don't dilly dally "

" alright miss" i sighed

we started to clean up the room scrapping the gum off underneath the tables and scrubbing the writing off the desk and cleaning the floor.

" sorry Ellen i didn't mean to get you into trouble "

" it's ok , don't worry this way we don't go out into the cold "

" true , but still no one wants to clean up a classroom "

" hey Avril after this we can go to the libary you know we can study and look for the next book for Broken hourglass "

"ok then"

after the day finish we went down two the lirbary

" remember we have to be back by 6:30 " ellen said

" ok  hey look a fish and chips shop , come on lets gets some"

" alrigth I am hungry" ellen said

while eating their fish and chips a man  dress in rags with a hood came up to them the girls didn't notice until he  reach out his boney rinkly hand "

" Avril" he said with no breath in him

I was so sared i didn't know what to do I turned to him with like i saw a ghost. I tried to speak but no words were coming out of my mouth.

" you are Avril" the strange man said

" yes Avril lancen " I said nervously

the old man handed me a note it looked old it had my name on it  i took a deep breath and said to Ellen

" lets go to the lirbary and see what it saids "

and we go off to the lirbary


































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