Bus Trip

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"Mom! I'm home!" Derick tells as he enters into his house, followed by Kendall, Levy and Sam behind him, Sam closing the door after themselves. Derick's mother's head poked through the door frame that connected the living room and the kitchen, a smile on her lips seeing the four boys.

"Hello, Derick," she says, nodding her head in greeting to each boy. "And hello, boys. Lovely to see your three."

"We're going up to my room," Derick states, already thumping up the stairs with Kendall in tow. Sam and Levy waved goodbye to Mrs. Cartman before hurrying up the stairs as well. Upon entering the slightly messy bedroom, Levy had the closed the bedroom door behind him before taking a seat on the carpet next to Sam while Kendall and Derick took the bed. There was a silence between the four of them, but it broke as soon as Kendall spoke up.

"So what do we do now?"

"Be specific, Kendall," Derick says, slurring his friend's name in the beginning. Levy and Sam nodded in agreement.

"I mean, what do we do now? We've gotten a lot of kids here in town, so what do we do with the rest of the magazines?" Kendall explains, earning nods in agreement from the other three at different times.

"We'll move onto the next town," Derick says simply, earning a weird look from Sam.

"The next town isn't for miles. How are we supposed to get anywhere when we're third graders?" The ravenette says, earning a mocking a laugh from Levy beside him.

"I don't know, obviously by car is the answer! 'Hey, I'm selling pornos right now so my friend won't get my ass beat. Mind giving me a lift to the next town over?'" Levy mocks, letting out a laugh before screeching an "Ow!" When Sam punched him in the arm.

"Shut up!" Sam says, before looking to Derick.

The brunette is quiet, and Sam knows what this meant, and let's out a groan. "Here we go again.."

"My friends," Derick says, pushing himself from his bed to start making the speech only Sam had knew would come just prior, "My father rode his bike all the way to California to stop a show from airing. And he wasn't much older than us."

He turns from where he had previously been gazing out the window, a look of determination in his eyes as he raises his fist is proclamation. "Mere miles shan't destroy thee and I! And we shall ride our bikes - like steeds!"

"Or we could take the bus," Levy states simply, although it is only a statement, as this idea had been implemented into each of their minds as soon as they saw the town contraction. Each boy dropped their bike, forgetting them mindfully in a scatter in Derick's yard as they ran after the bus. Derick shouted for his friends to slow down for the first half of the run, but had managed to grab the bus driver's attention to pull over and let them on.

"Afternoon, boys," he said as the door opened, and each boy got on respectively. Levy pulled out change from his pocket and put in the amount for four riders, and took his seat next to Sam, while Kendall sat with Derick. The males sat across from each other, and they were quiet and staring at one another as the bus began to pull away from the stop.

"So, any idea where we'll head off to first?" Sam asks, earning a shrug from Kendall and Levy. Derick cleared his throat, and the three friends raised curious brows as the brunette male pulled out a folded wad of paper from his jacket pocket, and began unfolding it until it was in full view and flat, save for the wrinkles and fold imprints. "What's that?" Sam asks curiously, his eyes wide with interest and curiosity as he leaned forward.

Derick cocked a brow at the male, meeting his eyes before looking down to study the then identified sheet, "A map. I'm routing our path designations so we can get home on time without getting grounded."

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