...a start?

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Mr_Gloom | SunshineRainbowsLollipops

SunshineRainbowsLollipops has connected.
Mr_Gloom has connected.

Mr_Gloom: What kind of fucking username is 'sunshinerainbowslollipops'.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: u dont need to swear! also it's a happy one! like me!!!! bubbly and happy :))

Mr_Gloom: Great. I don't like you already.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: why? coz of my user?? dont be rude ://

Mr_Gloom: I'm just giving you my opinion. Not my fault you think it's offensive.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: well what kind of username is mRgLoOm? that's dumb and angsty >:(

Mr_Gloom: K.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: omg im sorry that was rude I'm not mean i promise :(

Mr_Gloom: ...
Mr_Gloom: This was a mistake. Goodbye.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: NO NO WAIT IM SORRY
SunshineRainbowsLollipopslemme start over and fulfill my buddy duties
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: Thank u for reaching out! Is everything alright?

Mr_Gloom: Yes, everything's great. I requested a buddy simply because I have no life and absolutely nothing to do.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: why do i feel like ur being sarcastic... are u really okay??

Mr_Gloom: Clearly not, if i'm on this fucking app. 

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: the swearing!!!!!!!!!!!
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: also oops ur right 
SunshineRainbowsLollipopsmy bad
SunshineRainbowsLollipopshow can I help u?

Mr_Gloom: I don't want your help anymore. I'm fine.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: wait :(( are u sure?

Mr_Gloom: Yes.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: dont go :(( ik ur not okay

Mr_Gloom: Don't act like you know me. I'm fine.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: Im not acting like ik u mr grumpy grumps
SunshineRainbowsLollipopsu asked for a buddy on a therapy app!! Obvs ur not okay

Mr_Gloom: Well, I'm fine now. Stop bothering me about this.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: its me, isn't it :((  
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: im sorry ik i can come off a bit strong
SunshineRainbowsLollipopsDo u want me to get a new buddy for u? :((

Mr_Gloom: No.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: we can talk about something else if u want

Mr_Gloom: I'd rather not.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: pls? 

Mr_Gloom: No. Goodbye.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: kk, that's fine!!
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: we'll talk tmr

Mr_Gloom: No. We really won't.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: yes we will :))

Mr_Gloom: No, because I'm blocking you.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: yes coz u can't block buddies until at least a month after staying in contact with them

Mr_Gloom: You're fucking with me, right?

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: language pls!!!! also nope :))

Mr_Gloom: You have got to be fucking kidding me.
Mr_Gloom: What kind of shitty ass app is this.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: .............
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: a very caring one!! they put that policy in place for us to be able to always check up on the people who sign up for the buddy system. that way we can prevent them from harming themselves or doing something.. bad

Mr_Gloom: I'll just delete my account.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: nope :))
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: gotta wait a month for that too or u can pay to release the lock early

Mr_Gloom: That's illegal and invasive as fuck.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: nope. u signed a legal contract allowing this when u were making ur account
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: its in the terms and conditions. didnt u read it?

Mr_Gloom: Who the fuck actually reads the fine print.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops:  i thought everyone did...

Mr_Gloom: Nobody reads that. It's too small, too much, and too annoying.
Mr_Gloom: How tall are you.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: 5'3 y?

Mr_Gloom: Fucking great. You're american and you're also like fine print; small, too much, and annoying. 

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: thats mean
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: and why do u think im american! i never said that!

Mr_Gloom: Americans don't use the metric system.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: neither do liberians or the burmese 

Mr_Gloom: You don't seem smart enough to be anything but an American.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: HEY!! just so yk i have a 4.0 GPA >:(

Mr_Gloom: I do not care. Stop replying to me now.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: I think ur so mean because u want to push everyone away
SunshineRainbowsLollipops: its not gonna work for me tho coz i'm going to save u from this misery cloud floating over ur head mr gloom

Mr_Gloom: Give up on that hero bullshit. You can't save me.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops:  yh I can. everyone can be saved 

Mr_Gloom: You're extremely naive and dumb for thinking that.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: Im not!! u just need to find someone to be there for u to show u ur not alone and to show u ur purpose in life :)

Mr_Gloom: I can't 'find' anything. My gps is broken. 

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: lets buy u a new one then 

Mr_Gloom: I have no money.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops:  ill get one for u then dw. pay me back by making an effort here to be alive

Mr_Gloom: This metaphor is very fucking stupid.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: can u not >:(

Mr_Gloom: ...
Mr_Gloom: This metaphor is very stupid*
Mr_Gloom: Goodbye.

SunshineRainbowsLollipops: bye bye! ttyl :)

Mr_Gloom has disconnected.
SunshineRainbowsLollipops has disconnected.


A/N: 👍

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