To Think All This Happened Today

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(Chapter 1)

"Surrounded by darkness, I couldn't see a thing but those beautiful eyes with a hint of danger, is all I can think about"

Here I am, Cassey a 16 year old living, my oh so ordinary life.

I have two wonderful friends that add a spark to my "ordinary life". I just love them to death!!

Kylie, she is absolutely gorgeous, with her blonde hair that goes all the way down to her mid back, she usually has her hair in loose curls sometimes tight or just wavy, which most definitely suits her, she has the biggest blue eyes, overall she is just gorgeous. Lisa, also absolutely gorgeous, with her dark brown hair that just passes her shoulders, she usually wears her hair straight or curly, which totally suits her, she has greenish bluish eyes that change's colour depending on her mood, which I think is pretty cool....Then there is me, I have light brown hair that goes down to my mid back, I usually wear it up in and pony tail with a poof at the top and I have hazel eyes.

The Crew A.K.A the CLK (Clique) As we like to call ourselves. Kylie is the most daring out of all of us, she is amazing at rapping and Lisa is crazy fun, she is an awesome dancer, and me I can be fun, crazy and weird but hey that's me and I dance and I sing...

On my way to school, I would go to Kylie's and Lisa's place to pick them up for school, seeing as I am the one who has the car I might as well be their chauffer right? It's just until they get their cars. To be honest we all thought Lisa would have been the first one out of us 3 to get a car, then me, then Kylie, but fate has it ways of doing things, seeing as it turned out to be me first, but Lisa is hoping to get her drivers licence and her car next week and Kylie is going to get hers in two weeks' time; still to this day Lisa is always saying "I can't believe you got your driver's licence before me"

I went to pick up Lisa first seeing as she lives closer to me than Kylie. I beeped the horn twice. I see her face poking out the door way.

"Heyyy Cassey" Lisa said happily as she got into the car, she always calls shotgun.

"Hayyyy Girl, how has your morning been so far?" I asked

"Ughh don't even get me started, you wouldn't believe how long I had to wait just to get to into the bathroom, Lauren (Lisa's Sister) was in there for like an hour" Lisa said, seeming very annoyed.

"Hahaha, that's should be something you should be used to seeing as you go through it like almost every day" I laughed

Lisa just rolled her eyes, I chuckled at that.

Then in no time we were on our way to get Kylie, while listening to Rude - By Magic Lisa absolutely loves this song, and I can't blame her, it's a pretty cool song.

"Why You Gotta Be So Rudeeee, I'm Gonna Marry Her Anyway, Marry That Girllllllllll" Lisa sang loudly

"Marry Her Anyway, Marry That Girl, No Matter What You Say" I added

"Why You Gotta Be Sooo....Rudeeeeeee" Lisa and I sang simultaneously

The people in the others cars, were looking at us quite strangely, also taking in mind that the windows were rolled down, others were laughing, but we didn't care we were enjoying ourselves, that's pretty much how the journey went until we got to Kylie's .

We reached outside of Kylie's house and I beeped the horn about 5 times, until I was actually at the point, where I felt like getting up out of the car and dragging her by her hair, Oooo and I was so close to doing it when she came out of her house.....saved.

"Geez Kylie, why do you always take forever to get out of your house"? I asked her, very annoyed.

"Well hello to you too, excuse me for having 3 other sisters, who you very well know will use up half of their morning in the bathroom" Kylie huffed

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