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A/N In this Peter got his powers at 12 to fit with the plot and their parents experimented on Silver because she was younger

Tony Stark was a billionaire.

A/N no shit sherlock

But money doesn't buy love.

Money doesn't buy a child.


Pepper and Tony had wanted a child for years, someone they could tell stories too and sing to sleep. But they had waited too long, and Pepper couldn't have children anymore, the only other option was surrogacy or adoption. Neither of them wanted option A so they went with the latter.

+_+_+_+_This is Jared, Marys crush_+_+_+_+

Tony stepped out of the car in front of the orphanage they had selected. It was a run-down place, but the adults genuinely cared for the kids that ended up there and tried their best.

 They wanted a kid that knew what it was like to have nothing so they would care for people the way a spoiled kid from a Brooklyn orphanage never would. 

Pepper rung the doorbell and a pretty woman in her late forties opened it.

"OH, um, I'm so sorry s-sir, you didn't call ahead! We couldn't prepare for-" "It doesn't matter," Tony said, flashing his famous paparazzi smile "I'm sure you can accommodate us"

"Yes Mr Stark, of course, Mr Stark"

Tony and Pepper walked inside and turned left into a lounge where several kids were mucking around. "Are you looking to foster or adopt?" asked the woman. 

"Adopt," Pepper said before Tony could blurt out something stupid

"And what age?"



"doesn't matter"

"And a preferred hair colour?"


"Blonde or dark brown please." Tony interrupted. Pepper glared at him for a moment while the care worker went and got the children that fitted the description, wisely bringing along a few children with other hair colours.

Tony took them all into a smaller room one by one, and they all left looking hopeful. Tony, however, looked a little angry. "None of them has an IQ higher than a hundred!" he exclaimed, looking very peeved. A/N I love that word.

Pepper slapped him and said: "Their IQ doesn't matter!" Tony didn't respond. "Tony!?" she shouted. 

"Look over there," he said, pointing to a corner of the room where two dark-haired 13-year-old kids were watching Thomas Sanders vines on YouTube. "Why didn't you call those two over?" he asked the care worker. "Oh, Silver and Peter? You won't want them." her words had a finality to it that no-one else would question.

 But Tony was not everyone else.

"Why though?" The care worker sighed.

"You said you wanted one child right? If you only took one of them they would escape and find a way back to the other. The last time Peter was fostered he disappeared overnight and ended up back in his bed next to Silver. And when Silver was adopted she opened the door in a traffic jam and ran back here. If they get separated they always find a way back to their sibling."

Tony and Pepper exchanged a look. "We've got nothing to lose" Pepper whispered 

"And they look smart enough" Tony replied. 

"We'll take them both," they said simultaneously.

*_*_*_*_Mary is going to ask Jared out_*_*_*_*

5 hours and a buttload of paperwork later Tony and Pepper walked back to the car with the two kids in tow. "Why did you choose us?" asked Peter looking up at them with those adorable doe eyes. "Becuase you look so cute and you needed a home"

"what about me!?!?!" questioned Silver

"it was a package deal, we only wanted one,"

"yOu LiTtLe PiEcE oF--"

"I like this one," Nat said popping up from the boot of the car. Tony screamed, swerving the car and making several angry drivers honk at him. "Nat, how long have you- you know what? I'm not even going to ask"

"good call"

"also, Nat, don't tell the others. we want it to be a surprise"

*_*_*_*_Jared said no_*_*_*_*

Tony, Pepper and Nat walked into the lounge with the kids to find everyone watching Men in black 3. 

Thor kept giggling and pointing at the screen because the man playing H looked exactly like him. Wanda and Pietro were sharing a box of popcorn Wanda was holding in between them with her magic, Loki and Scott were arguing about whose kids were cooler and Bruce and Steve were continually shushing them. 

Tony sighed and picked up the discarded remote and paused the film.

Bucky turned around with a glare that could kill a rabbit

"WHAT THE FUC- oh! Who are you?"

"Well, I'm Tony and-"

"very funny Stark"

"Ok, this is Peter-"

Clint fell out of the vent with a shout and a scream.


"two, actually," Tony said nonchalantly. Nat sighed, these kids were going to have a hell of a childhood. Before she could open her mouth, Wanda got there first and said:

"Welcome to chaos kids!"

A/N Shoutout to Amelia if you're there! Wow! 25 views already! I didn't expect more than 7! keep reading, commenting and voting guys. 

Luv ya spooders!💛


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