The First Meeting

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Bei Feng was being chased by Imperial elite guards and ended up in the Imperial East Court. The letter he had read three moons ago flashed across his mind and decided on it as the last resort. And he could use a last resort right now.

The reasoning, that Bei Feng had currently gambled on, was that if this XueNiang could enter and influence the Imperial Concubine Court without causing a ripple, this XueNiang must have infiltrated and secured enough support and high backings that this XueNiang's presence alone might cause some hesitation on the elite guards for Bei Feng to barely escape. Even a second was enough time for him to evade premature death for now.

Upon reaching the agreed place of exchange, Bei Feng swept his gaze and found a cluster of bamboo trees and knelt in between two trees that was nearby and faced the bamboos. Bei Feng then kowtowed after a moment of hesitation. He was the former Crowned Prince, how could he knock his head onto the dirt in a full kowtow to a cluster of bamboos? Bei Feng wondered if this certain Snow Mother (Xue-snow; Niang-mother) wanted to watch Bei YueHua humiliate herself for some peace of mind, and wanted to leave this place immediately. What goodwill is this?! What kind of help do one need to badly to lower themselves to this point?!

His thoughts had not completed before he heard a familiar sound of arrows in flight. He froze. If he had not kowtowed, the arrows might have been the last thing he would have seen in this life. He cursed in his heart with uncertainty, what if YueHua was to be here one day and hesitate? Would the arrows fly out and take away her life too? or was there more to this 'trap'?

He decide to ignore it for now and cautiously stayed with his head down while sounds of fleeing fighters echoes in his ears. A gentle flutter of cloth reached Bei Feng's ear and he stood up. The descending white slender figure seemed to have halted mid-landing for a moment.

Despite the bright moonlight, it was difficult to see the face behind the lengthy white veiled hat. A voice floated from it: "North wind calls to the guardian of the flower under the moonlight(Yue-moon; Hua-flower). This is not an illusion, right?" 

Bei Feng's masked face showed no emotion but somehow he sensed that this XueNiang could see his surprise as clear as day. Feng solemnly stood tall and unapologetic, "I had needed assistance with the Imperial guards. You assisted my sister once."

"I see. So now, you owe me a favor~" A coy smile was evident in XueNiang's voice. It doesn't sound as gentle and graceful as a maiden should have been. What was more is that it was subtly suggestive.

"What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing. For now~"

There was a meaning behind XueNiang's reply and Bei Feng knew it, so he reached into his lapels and took out a circular object attached with lavender tassels. The moonlight was reflected on the surface of the cool object, showcasing the highly-skilled craft-work of a phoenix curled up and it was made of quality lilac jade. Bei Feng tossed the jade token towards the slender white figure.

A pale arm flashed and slender fingers grasped the jade token without disturbing the floating veils. Bei Feng did not see much when the hand withdrawn either. He was about to turn to leave when the voice stopped him.

"Leaving already? You haven't told me the extend of this token."

Irritated but curious, Bei Feng stayed and tilted his head.

"Say, I have such trust to roam within the Imperial Palace and create some ripples, it is very likely I am to prove myself trustworthy."

What XueNiang didn't said out out was that, if XueNiang were to find himself on the opposing side of Bei Feng on broad daylight, this phoenix lilac jade token should have guaranteed his safety if Bei Feng is to start cleaning off his opponents.

Bei Feng silently thought about it and finally, but reluctantly, conceded. "So be it."

"Next time we meet, I am called BaiHuo."

Bei Feng nodded and then left the Imperial East Court without a second glance at the smiling white figure.

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