🍋Lemon🍋 Gogeta

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We instant transmission to Vegito's home, I looked around and saw how beautiful and decorated it was, not to dirty, but needs a little cleaning

Gogeta: "you live in a beautiful home"

Vegito: "thanks it's the most that I could afford, anyways, wanna watch a movie, play games, hangout, draw, etc."

Gogeta: "we can watch a movie, then draw"

Vegito: "sounds like a plan, I'll get the movie on, you can make the popcorn if you want"

Gogeta: "sure I'll be on it right now" I went to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets to find the popcorn, I then opened the packet and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, I got a bowl and put a paper towel in it so all the grease doesn't go on the bowl. I heard the microwave beep alerting me that it was already done, I took out the bag, it was pretty hot so I put it on the counter and opened it slowly, I poured the popcorn into the bowl and saw it fill up the entire bowl, I threw away the bag and closed the microwave then went and sat on the couch next to Vegito holding the bowl of popcorn in my lap. "So anything good on so far?"

Vegito: I saw Gogeta go and make the popcorn, I turned on the TV and scrolled through channels, I didn't know which movie to put on so I looked through romantic movies, I scrolled down trying to find a good movie that me and Gogeta can watch together and be entertained. I saw Gogeta come back and sit next to me with the nice fresh and warm popcorn in his hands "no not recently but I was thinking of a romantic movie" I put my arm around Gogeta so I can be close to him and feel his nice warm body.

Gogeta: "yeah a romantic movie sounds nice" I felt Vegito put a arm around me, I blushed but just went with it, I leaned onto his shoulder to get comfortable with his touch.

Vegito: I smiled and felt Gogeta lean against me to cuddle "cute" I said under my breath to make sure Gogeta would hear.

Gogeta: I heard Vegito's compliment when he called me 'cute' I blushed even more, I couldn't stand listening to Vegito's comments about me because there so sweet that I can't stop feeling warm hearted. I haven't felt this type of feeling in a long time so it's starting to get back to me.

Vegito: "well let's start the movie" I put on the movie and put the remote to the side I held Gogeta in my arms and ate some popcorn, the nice buttery taste melting in your mouth, and the nice crunch that you can savor, it was really good.

Gogeta: I felt Vegito hold onto me closer, I snuggled onto his chest and ate some popcorn, I watched the movie, but something in my mind told me that, I'm not fully entertained by just the movie, I want to do something more fun, something fun with Vegito, but we will have to wait.

(Couple hours later cuz imma lazy 😴)

Vegito: "that was a good movie, don't you think?" I looked into his nice and beautiful green emerald eyes.

Gogeta: "yeah, it was very romantic" he looked back with a smile.

Vegito: "yeah, very romantic, something that I want to do with you~" I said in a husky voice.

Gogeta: I blushed red immediately, I didn't know what he was planning to do with me, but it was coming.

Vegito: I pinned him down onto the couch, I moved the popcorn bowl to the side so I can have a nice look at Gogeta's nice beautiful body. "You look very beautiful, has anyone told you that~"

Gogeta: I got surprised and got pinned onto the couch "n-no but your t-the first to call m-me that"

Vegito: I chuckled "well, your gonna get something more from me than just telling you beautiful~" I leaned down and kissed him onto his nice and plumped cherry lips, the nice and sweet taste of his lips, savoring them and claiming them as mine "Mmh~"

The love of a new creation (Vegito x Gogeta)Where stories live. Discover now