Lights flying by. Blaring sounds as cars stream by. Some cheesy pop song coming from the radio. friends laughing and giggling in a drunken stupor. The driver swerving left and right as they drunkenly drive the wrong way. And all at once... silence... darkness... nothing.
And then I woke up.
That was two years ago and the memories of still haunt you. They say when you get drunk that you have blackouts in your memory, but I'm pretty sure whoever said that didn't get into a near-death accident because of it. I remember everything that happened that night with crystal clarity. Turns out PTSD is a bitch. Loud noises freak me the fuck out. I couldn't drive a car or even come near to getting into one for like two months. But you know the one thing I still liked alcohol. You'd think PTSD would affect that or that tasting it would make me throw up but no. No. it still tasted just like it used to. And it still felt good too. So when my mother thought I was batshit crazy for still drinking I just shrugged her off and drank. When I lost my job because they found out I was in the hospital for drinking; I just kept drinking more. When I had learned that it was a miracle I had survived the crash, but it was all just noise to me. When I found out none of my friends had survived the crash I drank. I drank more because the nightmare would go away when I did dream was just darkness and the alcohol clouded my mind making me think it was all just a bad dream. My life, however, had just turned into one bad dream that I soon found out I would never be waking up from.
"Yo wake up!" ... "Hey, I said wake up!" "Son of a bitch, it smells like shit in here!" "Listen, your rent is four months overdue I tried to be nice but I'm done so either pay up or get the fuck out of here!" ... "Hey are deaf or something! Wake up!" ... "Holy shit..." "You're not breathing." "Oh fuck fuck fuck!" "Hey hello listen I got a girl who ain't breathin over here." "Uh huh." "yea." "ok." "Uh, 2156 Newberry Drive Motel Number 21." "Oh shit." "Calm!? How the fuck am I supposed to be calm! shes either dead or dying!" "Huh cause? Uh looks like too much alcohol." "Party? No there was no party." "Listen just hurry ok!" "Fuck how am I supposed to explain this to her mother oh god."
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General FictionLights flying by. Blaring sounds as cars stream by. Some cheesy pop song coming from the radio. The driver swerving left and right as they drunkenly drive the wrong way. And all at once... silence... darkness... nothing. And then I woke up.