Chapter 2

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Narrators POV

"Good night Frank." Savannah waved to one of the security officers as he nodded his head, opening the door for  her. It was around 1:30 when she was finally able to clock off.

"Goodnight Savannah. Safe trip home." Frank gave a warm smile and Savannah returned it, walking off of the premises. Heading into the middle of November, temperatures were dropping below 2 degrees.

On the walk home she stumbled across a familiar building, letting out a sigh as the large letters on the side came into view. She couldn't help herself but to stop and stare as she was hit by a very vague series of flashbacks.

For the millionth time that day, she pushed back tears and continued her walk around the building and down the pavements to lead her back home but was involantarily stopped when the familiar voice rang through her ears.

Luckily for her, she wasn't in sight but she had a good view of the man standing outside the building doors, negotiating with what looked to be a client, assuming it was about business.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. How do I get away from here without being seen?' She thought to herself before she just mustered the courage and walked forward, hoping that he wouldn't see her.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the one and only, Savannah Marshall." The one and only person I wouldn't mind never seeing again just had to be there, didn't he?

"Hayes, can't say I'm happy to see you here." She spoke with a straight face. She just wanted to go home and face plant her bed but no. He just had to show up. He gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "I'm hurt."  Savannah rolled her eyes at his patheticness and looked at the watch on her wrist.

2:15. Ugh.

"Well it wasn't nice seeing you, but I got to get home for the little sleep I can get before my shift starts at 10." She mindlessly made her way around him before he spoke up again.

"I've been wanting to talk with you." She stopped and turned on her heel. "First off I wanted to say sorry." She sniggered. "You're never sorry." She yawned and proceed to open her car door. "I wanted to apologise for what I done to you. To us. And I don't expect you to forgive me for what I've done but I'm truly sorry for how I hurt you." Hayes sighed, looking at me with a sad look.

"You done?" Savannah questioned, checking her nails before she placed a foot inside her car. "I was hoping we could get together before your shift tomorrow morning for a coffee. My treat." He offered and for a split second, free coffee appealed to Savannah but she quickly snapped out of it, remembering it was her annoying ex making the offer.

"Over my dead body." She grumbled, finally sitting in her car. "Either come with me for coffee, or I will bring coffee to you. Your choice." He negotiated and Savannah huffed. "I'm calling your bluff." She smirked and Hayes just raised his hands in defence.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning." He smirked, walking away to his back SUV, driving away and cockily honking the horn.

The drive home was quiet as the streets were empty. She pulled up to her driveway before tiredly stumbling into her home, throwing everything beside the door before she forced her body to walk upstairs to bed.

"Oh how I've missed you." She mumbled to herself as she face plant her mattress after she had changed into night clothes.


Savannah's POV

The loud ring from my alarm along with the loud banging on my door alerted me and woke me out of my sleep.

"Okay! Okay! God damnit! I'm coming!" I shout whilst quickly shoving on a hoodie to greet whatever asshole was at the door, banging like a maniac.

I opened the door to reveal the biggest jackass known to mankind and let out a grown. "What are you doing here?" I huffed and walked away, entering the kitchen. I heard the door close and footsteps follow behind me. "I brought you coffee. Just as promised." He smiled, handing me the cup from the cardboard tray.

"What did you get?" I asked. He always forgot how to make my coffee, so I highly doubt my mood was going to get any better. "Milk, two sugars, and I brought you breakfast." He smiled as I stood stunned.

For the first time in the history of our relationship, he got my coffee order correct. I mumbled a quick thank you before digging into the wonderful tasting food.

"I wanted to talk with you." He asked, suddenly getting serious. I eyed him carefully as I shoved a forkful of eggs into my mouth. "What?" I asked, the food mumbling my words. "I'm in need of a favour."

And as he revealed the favour, the eggs had slipped down the wrong way, making me choke and splutter into the sink.

"You want me to what?!"

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