The Fight

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Hi guys! I am starting a new book and If you haven't read by other book "Office Play" then please check it out if that title interests you! So this is a bit different and I hope you enjoy it. Plus it is going to be a bit slower in progression than my other book!:) So please give it a bit of time!:)

Gabriella's Pov:

"You ready?" My friend Mark asked.

"No! Remind me why I have to go, again?" I asked.

"Because, you love me, and I love to watch two guys beat the shit out of each other." He said

"Wharves!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Why do you do that?" He asked flailing his arms around.

"Oh I'm sorry, does it bother you?" I asked

"Yea, it's stupid." He said

"That's why I do it." I said smiling.

"Whatever lets go." He said, walking out to his black suburban that his parents got him. His family is loaded but he doesn't like to brag.

"You mean wharves right?" I asked giggling.

"Shut up!" He yelled, only making me laugh more.


At the fight....

"Are you sure this place is legal?" I asked looking around at the rusty warehouse in front of us. It had so many dents in the side and I'm pretty sure I saw some blood but I'm just gonna say it's ketchup. People get hungry.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked.

"You know, are you sure people are allowed to be here. Aren't we trespassing?" I asked a bit nervous.

"No. It's not legal, but Ryder will only fight if the fight is unsupervised, as in no cops, no paramedics, no help." He said.

"Why doesn't he like any help? Not even a coach?" I asked shocked.

"Ryder doesn't like anyone to intervene. He basically kinda tried to fight to the death but people eventually do intervene. Of course he hates it because he is usually the only one winning. He did have a coach but Ryder didn't like the suggestions that his coach made so.... Well let's just leave it as he is not Ryder's coach anymore." Mark said while entering the fighting place which I was told earlier was an arena.

"Who is Ryder?" I asked.

"Oh! You'll see!" Mark said smiling.

Confused, I followed Mark to a spot right in front of the rink. The ring was surrounded by red ropes and everyone was standing. Some people were betting while others where conversing with their friends.

"Hey Mark?" I asked, having to raise my voice a bit to speak over the crowd.

"Yeah?" He asked leaning down a bit to meet my 5'4 frame.

"Do you know why Ryder is so mean?" I asked basing my question off of what he had told me earlier.

"No. There was an interview on the press asking him about it and when he said never to ask that question, one guy didn't listen, and he was in the hospital for a week. All I know Is it must have been something bad to react so aggressive to." He said shrugging his shoulders.

Nodding, I saw the outer lights dim and the ones above the ring get brighter. I couldn't really see, but I would catch glimpses of people jumping and cheering one name on my side and one name in the other side.

"RYDER!" My side yelled

"BRANDON!" The other side yelled back. It was almost like they were making a mini war out of it.

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