Snow Storm

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No One's POV

    There was a (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyes, and (S/C) skin. He was covered in heavy cloths and coats as it was winter and he was walking through the forest with a spear that he used to hunt and walk. He also had a large bag on his back containing everything he needs to survive along with a bow and some arrows. It was extremely cold, but it was always cold where he was, winter was just a frozen hell. He had his face covered to prevent his nose and cheeks from getting cold as he also had goggles on to see.
    He was currently trying to find something to eat as he hasn't eaten in 28 hours. He stopped as he noticed some hoof prints. He kneeled down and examined the prints closer, "These are fresh." He then looked up at the sky, "A snow storm is coming. I need to be quick."
    He followed the prints as fast as he could until he spotted it. He crouched down as he slowly walked closer as to not scare it. He pulled his bow out and pulled an arrow back as far as he could. He then let go causing it to fly through the air and landed in the deer's head instantly killing it.
    He walked up to it to reclaim his arrow and his dinner. He then heard snow crunch from behind him, so he turned around to see a wolf girl charge him with her claws out, "That was mine!" (Y/N) bent down and threw the girl over his shoulder causing her to miss and go a few feet away. (Y/N) stood up in fighting stance, "I don't want any trouble." The girl got back up as she grunted, "Then you should of thought about that before you stole my meal!"
   She charged him once again as she went for a punch. (Y/N) blocked it with his arms and hit her right arm making her unbalance. As she was only on one foot, (Y/N) turned her around, and started trying to choke her unconscious. The girl tried to move his arms, but couldn't as she started hitting his sides.
    She soon closed her eyes as she went unconscious letting (Y/N) allow her to fall to the ground. He went to pick up the deer until he felt the snow get heavier and fall quicker. He looked at the deer and then at the wolf girl, "Damn it." He picked the wolf girl up as he started to try and find some shelter. The snow came faster causing (Y/N) to become slower. He finally found a cave that he could use to take shelter from the snow, he could also make a fire using all the sticks inside.
    He walked in to set the girl down near the wall of the cave to start setting up a fire. A few seconds later the sound of wood crackling from the fire filled the cave. He then tied the wolf girl's hands together just so she couldn't use them. (Y/N) walked over to his backpack to pull out two blankets. He put one over the girl's body as he went to the other side of the cave and wrapped around his own blanket. He heard the storm worsen as he tried to sleep.
    The next day (Y/N) woke up as he saw the sun shining down on the ground. The fire was dying, so he went to pack his things. He went over to the wolf girl to grab his blanket to see her turn around in her sleep. (Y/N) put the the blanket in his backpack. He put his backpack on as the girl woke up while she rubbed her eyes.
    She went to stretch, but then realized that her a wrists were tied. She struggled to get free until she spotted (Y/N), "Release me at once you damn human!" He simply just looked at her, "No." The girl gasped in disbelief, "How dare you tell me no!" "Simple, no." The girl got angrier as (Y/N) put his backpack on. He then grabbed the end of a rope as it was connected to the girl's wrists.  
    The wolf girl stood up, "So your gonna just treat me like an animal?" she said with venom in her voice. (Y/N) shook his head, "Your alone, which means you ran away from home. I'm gonna take you back home." "And why do something like that? If you expect a reward, then you'll be torn to shreds." (Y/N) started walking out of the cave, "I'm not looking for a reward."
    The wolf girl followed him as she had no other choice. They kept walking until (Y/N) asked where her clan was, with her not saying anything. They continued walking until (Y/N)'s stomach growled making the girl laugh. She stopped when her own stomach growled making the man look back at her, "I guess we both need to eat." The girl smiled, "If you let me go, I will be able to hunt. I'll split the food 75-25." "No." "Damn you."
    (Y/N) made them stop confusing the girl, "Why are we stopping?" The man pulled out somewhat of a pick and hit the ground with it. Cracks were heard as some ice broke and water appeared, "This is a river bank. Where there's water, there is fish." "Maybe let me go and I can catch some fish-" The man then used his spear to catch four fish shocking the girl, "What?!"
    The man examined the fish, "These will do just fine." Minutes later another fire was started as it cooked the fish. When they were done (Y/N) had two fish with the wolf girl having the same who eyed down the man, "How did you know there was a river. It's nearly impossible to tell." "The crunch of the snow was different." "How were you able to know the difference?" "I've been on my own for a long time."
    The wolf girl was now confused, "How old are you?" "I'm only 19." It was now (Y/N)'s turn to ask the questions, "Why did you leave your clan?" She was reluctant at first but told him anyways, "I didn't want to be under the pressure of being the chief's daughter anymore. To much stress." "How long have you been gone? " "Five months." "How much stress would a young girl like you have?" The girl got mad, "I'm 17 human!" "Stop lying." "I'm not! Geez." The two continued eating until the girl looked up at him, "I'm Luna." " I'm (Y/N)."

Wolf Girl x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now