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"finally we made it to the Snowe mountain", "oo it's a rair whitedeer pokemon I've red about these types of Pokemon there really strong", "magicarp I choose you use splash" pokeball go ding ding "nooooo" it got out", "use splash magicarp", "pokeball go gotcha" "let's head back whitedeer come on out" "hi buddy how are you" "hi are you a human yes I've herd bad things about your kind I've only seen one other human and they can't talk to pokemon" "well I'm difrent I got trusted with a speacul necklace that allows me to cummin Cate with pokemon" "wow those stones are varie varie varie rear" "I like you humans aren't so bad" "well some are" "be carful and stay close to me" "wow humans aren't anything like I've herd your kind and protective of me and of all your other pokemon" "thanks was that a compliment" "yes and my legs are getting tired" "woah you picked me up will you be all right" "of course would you like to go into your pokeball" "yes pleas I better get used to it" "home at last every one come on out" sssssssss "food done guys it's hot be careful" "mmmmmmm" "thanks"

Some of the Pokemon in my story aren't real

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