3. Unexptected Event

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That Saturday, I was dreading the visit back to my parents. I lazily got myself up and take a very cold shower to wake up my senses. I had packed the night before, so I had time to spare.

I was out the door half an hour later, and decided to have my morning boost at my favorite corner coffee shop. "Hey Dale! The usual please..." I smiled at the man, and sit my ass at the breakfast counter while browsing my emails.

"You really should enjoy my coffee without any distraction, it's Saturday...Angela, stop working so hard, you need to enjoy life. People watching is part of coffee drinking ritual, that us commoners do you know." Dale scolded me, he had been saying the same thing over and over again making me smile warmly at him.

"Dale, you know what? I'm going to actually do what you say this time! and get me one of those fattening bagels. I'm heading back to my parents, I'll be needing the carbs..." I grinned at him, while putting my phone in my purse and gaze at my surroundings.

Hmmm... people watching, there's the people...and this is me watching...

How do they do this??

I gave up, making Dale shook his head and laugh at me, we ended up talking. He has been like an old friend of mine. He has always been there for me, every time I needed the so called coffee when in reality, I needed someone to talk to as I was being my old self. My warm and friendly self, way before I was trapped in a rat race of the business world that I supposedly love.

The other world had made me tougher, more sarcastic and more reserved. This is the world that my parents didn't want me to live in. But I was making something of myself, I was thriving and actually quite successful as a person. As a business person.

"Aunt Angie! up...up...!" the little girl was smiling at me with her toothy grin.

"Well hello there my little munchkin! come here, let me do your hair...your dad still have two left hands I see..." I smirked at Dale, he just shrugged and keep on working.

He had been a single father since the first time I walked into his coffee shop four years ago, when I just move here for my job. And his one year old daughter, had stole my heart from the first time a saw her, as she was circling him with her little apron.

"I love your hair, you always look dashing..." the little girl was babbling while I was braiding her long beautiful hair. She was sitting up on my lap, while Dale was tending to a customer.

"Dashing huh? that's a first...thank you Jasmine..." I told her as I try to hold my laugh, I could see Dale was tugging his lip up hearing his kid talking to me.

"Noooo...I'm Belle now! See I'm carrying a book? daddy and I just watch beauty and the beast. I wanna be Belle now, you can call me Belle okay?" she looked back at me, as I smile, then kissed her hair and tied the last knot of her braids.

"There Belle, you are as beautiful as your name is now. Look...I have to leave for my parents, but I'll see you when I get back yeah? I'm loving you as Belle, definitely liking you reading more books..." I set her down on another stool as I paid for my morning coffee and bagel, and then said my goodbyes to them.

I sighed as I leave their small corner coffee shop, and headed to my car. I took a deep breath, and finally start driving back to the suburbs.

You will enjoy this, it's only two days, you'll be back on Sunday. You will have a good time with mom and dad.

Three hours later I was passing the country club, the familiar surrounding always made me smile. I always love this place, my little bubble, my safety net. Though the people can be a bit rough on the edges, but this has been home for me since forever. I had always been the weird kid on the block, I didn't have that many friends growing up. I was never one of the popular girls. I was a rebel from an early age, I was hard to handle as a teen. Not that I was angry with the world or my parents, I was quite a happy kid on the outside. But in the inside I always feel like I was lacking something, and that made me angry not knowing what that something was.

Not until years ago, when I started thriving in my business world. Who knew climbing up the business ladder was making me happy. I'm at my happy stage now, where I have my three best girls and a job that I love very much.

"Mom...dad...I'm home!"

"Ah...Angelica my favorite daughter! finally...come give your old man a hug!" Dad got up from the dinning chair, and greeted me and twirled me, making me giggle.

"Dad! I'm your only kid, stop picking favorites..." I laughed at his joke and hugged him back.

"Angelica, finally!" mom joined dad as she gave me her warmest hug, and I hugged her back tightly. Making me realized, that I was missing them without even knowing it.

"Hey...what's the matter baby? " mom was letting me go and hold me at arms length looking at my teary eyes.

"Nothing, I just missed you..."

"Aww...come here, we missed you more baby, I still don't get why won't to get a job closer to ho..." but before she could finish her sentence, she was cut off by our St Bernard, Joe...he was woofing then running towards me.

Oh ooo...here we go!

I quickly widen my stance and getting ready for the impact. Then he was slamming his body to me all hundred fifty pounds of it like he was still a puppy. I was laughing, as I let him snuggle himself to me. He finally let me go and put his paws down on the floor, as dad tell him off and told him to sit.

"Come join us for lunch kiddo, you have lots of time to play with Joe until your mom's event tomorrow night." He laughed as he saw my dreaded expression for tomorrow's event.

"Seriously dad, I'm here for you...you know that right? I could've just stood you up and let you ponder alone tomorrow..." I whispered loudly to him, making him laugh again.

"Come you two, don't let me drag both your asses down to the dining chairs." Mom was calling both of us from the dining room.


"Mom...I brought my own dress with me you know, you didn't have to buy me one, this is beautiful though..." I smiled looking at the mirror, I look beautiful as the sleek long dress cascade down my body flawlessly, making me look sophisticated.

"Thanks mom..." I hugged her, then we were out the door laughing as dad had been honking the car repeatedly.

"Finally! let's go Grant had been calling me, his wife ditched him already, he's inviting me to his corner." I laughed, while mom was rolling her eyes as she get on the passenger seat and I sit my beautiful behind at the back. Mmm...I feel expensive in this dress.

Twenty minutes later, I was left alone at the ball room of the country club. Mom was joining her committees, while dad was fast on his heels looking for Grant. I sighed and sit back at our table, I started fiddling with my phone, opening my work emails and replying some urgent ones. Until the dinner start and mom and dad were seated at our table.

Hours later we were enjoying ourselves, when they held a live action. "Seriously mom, date auction? what organization are you guys funding again?" I was laughing at her and shaking my head. But I was definitely not ready when an hour later, at the end of the auction my name was called to the stage. I abruptly snapped my head to my mom, who looked at me and giggling to dad.

What the fudge? They're both in on this? Ughhhh!!!

I was about to bolt, when the announcer called my name once again, and the spotlight was blinding my vision. Then the crowd clap their hands, encouraging me to come up the stage.

Crap! crepe freaking fucking fudge!

This is why I was dreading to come home. Their stunts are getting more and more crazy each time.


Angelica: You better make it good on the next chapter Author! 😒

Mom: Baby, it's for your own good 😁

Joe: Woof...wooof!! 🐕

Ivan: I really need to be in the story! like in the next chapter! 😠

Dad: Who's this guy?

Joe: Woof...woofffffff!!!!!

Book 5 ✔️ My Possesive MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now