Pregame Oumasai

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Here's  the pregame saiouma/oumasai that no one asked for.
This is fluff? I think? No Smut really)))

Ouma sat at the lunch table, listening  to his... other... bold choice of music.
"It's been a long, long time".
He loved this song for some reason. He just... couldn't get his finger on it.
It made him feel... happy... but sad, at the same time. He was just... so... enlightened by it.
He scrolls through his music playlist. He's  got over 50+ songs on it. He listens  to them through his earbuds while his parents are fighting, arguing, or having make up sex. He hated all of it, so much. He wanted to get away for a whole week. Or maybe... a month. Or for a lifetime.  He couldn't stand it.
He sticks his fork down in his spaghetti as imagination (from willy Wonka. One of his favorite  movies)
Came on. He listened to this song Usually when he cut himself.
He noticed Saihara walking in his direction. Saihara was the weirdest and most awkward person ouma had ever met. Saihara always rambled on and on about a show called Danganronpa.  Ouma didn't really appreciate the show. Saihara made him watch it once or twice.
Saihara smiled,
"Hey..,ouma, can I sit with you?"
Ouma nodded in consent.
Ouma took out one of his earbuds so he could hear everything shuichi  was saying.
Saihara sat down, placing his tray on the table.
Ouma noticed the lack of food on shuichi's tray.
"So, what're you listening to?" Saihara  asked, And kokichi replied,
"" Kokichi handed one of his earbuds to shuichi.
Saihara puts the earbud in his ear, not really caring about ear wax. He wasn't  one for staying clean.
"Put your head on my shoulder" Began to play.
Ouma began to cry, but sobbing softly. No one ever paid attention to ouma, so no one cared if he was crying.
Except Saihara.
Saihara noticed Kokichi's sobs,
"Hey, ouma, are you okay?"
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"But... I don't  want to miss next period."
"We can skip. C'mon,"
Saihara placed his hand on ouma's thigh.
Ouma obtained a light pink hue to his cheeks as he giggled.
"Okay, I suppose.."
They skipped their fifth hour in the bathroom, ouma practically sobbing very oh so loudly.
Saihara  shed a tear or two, but other than that, not really anything.
"Would you like to stay the night with me? Or the weekend? It would probably help you out a lot, y'know?" Saihara asked Ouma.
Ouma nodded.
"Sure, I'll walk home with you after school ends. I mean, it is Friday. My parents  probably wouldn't even notice I'm gone.."

"Oh. Okay... well, I hope I helped ya out a little..."

The bell rang, signaling for their sixth period.

"Bye saihara! I have to go!" He grabbed his bag,
"Oh. Uh, bye then?"
Ouma's next period was literally downstairs. And  he was in the downstairs bathroom.
Saihara...his grades sucked so terribly. Mostly C's and D's.
Saihara rushed to his next period. Slowly. He got there a minute after the bell rang.
Ouma and Shuichi finally reached the house. It was pretty big. Saihara  unlocked his door,
"Mh? Your parents can't unlock it?"
"They're actually out for five days, on sea. They won't be back for awhile. All I have to do is not tell them you stayed the weekend."
Saihara opened the door to his house. Inside, to the left;the living room, and the right;a staircase. The staircase was made of brick. If you entered the living room, through a certain door you could see the kitchen. Kokichi  didn't  really pay too much attention  to the details of the house.
For some odd reason, Saihara asked,
"Would you like to see my bathroom?-"
He cringed slightly.
Ouma nodded. Weird. Ouma thought shuichi meant like, the aesthetic it had. His bathroom.
Shuichi led kokichi up the stairs, to his bathroom. Shuichi let him have a quick look at it.
Kokichi got a weird feeling down his spine, so he asked,
"Um? Can I make dinner?"
Saihara chuckled,
"It's only 5:00 P.M."
"Huh? But, aren't you hungry?"
"I guess. Can you even cook?"
"Well. I take home ec."
"Okay, teruteru kinnie." Saihara  said to himself.
Kokichi headed back downstairs to the kitchen. He looked around the kitchen to know where everything  was at, and be able to locate it easily.
He located a small radio. A vintage one. Which played vintage music.
He sat it on the windowsill, trying to find a radio station  to settle with.
He found one, which was just on break for a hot minute.
Saihara sat at the dining room table,  watching ouma's every move.
Ouma turned the volume up on it.
Nothing yet.
He grabbed a carton of eggs from their fancy ass fridge. He decided on making an omelet they could  both share. 
He poured a little bit bit of cooking oil into a pan, tilting it here and there.
Suddenly, music came from the radio. He noticed it.
"It's been a long, long time".
The fanfares playing, made it sound as a wedding song.
Shuichi noticed kokichi singing along.
"Never thought that you would be.. standing here, so close to me, there's  so much I feel that I should say.."
Shuichi had the thought in his head:
You know what? I'd love it if we would simply... dance the night away. Him and me. Carrying all our troubles away...
He stood up, pushing his chair In. He came up behind ouma,
"Kiss me once,then kiss me twice, then k- woaH!"
Saihara rested his arms on ouma's shoulders.
Ouma jumped in surprise.
"Hey, Kokichi, do you know how to dance? Like, Waltz... sort of?"
Three years ago, ouma mastered the Waltz.
"Well, yeah.."
"Okay. Dance with me. Hm?"
Ouma turned around to face shuichi.
Ouma smiled,
"I'd  love to dance with you."

"Heaven felt like this my dear, since... I can't remember when... It's been a long, long time."

They danced the night away, listening  to romantic vintage  music. Of course, they did eat. They ordered italian take out. Which is besides the point. Eventually, Ouma ended up asking shuichi out. To be his boyfriend.  It all went well, better than imagined. Kokichi loved this feeling, and wished it would never end.

~the end.~

(Words count: 1067 words :0)
This was one of my longest chapters, and it was a good one! Pregame oumasai, is, so so SO adorable. And, speaking of oumasai, I now found the Ouma to my Shuichi!! And she's  such an angel!♡
Thanks for reading though! Please, vote for this chapter! And thanks!

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