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Sicheng and Yuta decided that they should hang out together over the weekend. Sicheng smiled, accepting Yuta's invitation. 

"Sicheng, let's go buy some snacks!" Yuta exclaimed, smiling at his best friend.

"Alright, let me just get my wallet," Sicheng said, grabbing his wallet, phone, and keys. 

"Come on! I want to go to the supermarket already! Let's make some tteokbokki!" Yuta said as he jumped happily. 

"Alright, alright, you big baby," Sicheng said, as Yuta started the car. 

(Remember, Sicheng is 16, and Yuta is 18.)

They walked in, buying many things. 

Sicheng coughed again, Yuta wasn't looking, he was admiring at all of the snacks. Two petals this time. But, this time, he could see tiny specks of red.

Was it his blood?

"不可能," Sicheng mumbled.

(Did I guess it right? Translate said 'impossible')

"Huh? Sicheng, did you say something?" Yuta asked.

"I didn't, you must be hearing this, ge," Sicheng said, as he faked smiled at his long-time crush, hiding the flower petals behind his back. 

"Oh really? Oh, look! Sicheng, look, doesn't that look good?" Yuta said, pointing at a potato snack.

"Oh really? Oh, look! Sicheng, look, doesn't that look good?" Yuta said, pointing at a potato snack

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(This is Chinese, but pretend that they sell it in Korea,)

"Yea, it does, hurry up, I want to cook early, so we don't have to eat late," Sicheng said, smiling at Yuta.

"Alright, but first, mochi!" Yuta said.

(Oh god, I'm picturing the Chinese Super Market I go to all the time, but is expensive as fuck)


They paid and bought their stuff. Yuta happily jumped around.

"Thanks for paying most of this, Sichengie," Yuta said.

"谢谢," Yuta said, making Sicheng smile with joy and happiness.

(Thank you)


花 - Yuwin [NCT BXB] ✓Where stories live. Discover now