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Dipper Pines awoke, his eyes fluttering open to see nothing but a dark room. Through his hazy mind he felt a sense of dread, and a dull pain in his arm. He sits up, looking around cautiously despite not being able to see anything.

He sighs and curls up, hugging his legs, feeling that sense of fear and dread once again. This room was painfully familiar to him, and he hated it. Judging by the pain in his stomach and his dry mouth, he'd been in here for at least a day.

He doesn't remember much after his family had escaped. But he remembers the pain. In almost vivid detail. The burning feeling that had worked it's way through his system left him feeling tired, and weaker than he was before. The pain had felt horrible, as if all his muscles had been burned off his bones, then rebuilt with sandpaper. But, despite all of this, he calls out for the one person who would have answers.

"Bill...? Are... Are you there?"

After a minute, the bright yellow light signalled the arrival of his demon boyfriend. A relieved smile lights up Dipper's face, and he jumps onto his feet to greet the demon, and hopefully get some answers.

"Bill! What's going on?"

"Sapling, you betrayed me." The demon's voice was scarily calm, his gold eye trained on Dipper and sending chills down his spine. Dipper knew that tone of voice, and it sent chills down his spine.

He takes a step back, fear and confusion written on his features as he looks up at Bill.

"N-No I didn't-"

Bill steps forward and grabs his hand in a painful grip, his calm expression turns to one of annoyance. That wasn't as bad, but it still wasn't good. Dipper whines, trying to tug his hand out of Bill's grip, but it only gets tighter.

"You let them go after promising me that you wouldn't let them out of town. And now they're gone. Who's fault is that?"

Dipper flinches at the harsh words, and looks down with a fear filled expression. Bill sighs and lets go of his hand, but he doesn't relax quite yet.

"I- I didn't mea-"

"I know you didn't mean to. But you still did. And I had to punish you, for your own good. You understand, Pinetree? You have to understand that what what you did was wrong."

Dipper looks down, a recognized frown on his face as he realizes what Bill was saying to him. It was his fault that his family was gone. He had trusted them enough to leave them alone, and they had taken advantage of him. Again.

Dipper had been betrayed again, and at that realization, Bill finally relaxes.

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Sapling. I forgive you. Now come here."

The demon holds out a hand to Dipper, and after a moment of hesitation he takes it. Letting Bill pull him into a hug, he melts into the hold, a sigh escaping him.

Bill wasn't mad at him anymore. He wasn't going to hurt him as long as he behaved. And he wouldn't mess up again. Not that badly at least.

He feels the gentle tugging of sleep at his conscious, so he closes them and lets himself fall asleep in the arms of his demon.

Bill gently runs his fingers through his human's soft brown curls, smiling lovingly at the sleeping boy.

He doesn't feel bad, but he wishes he didn't have to hurt Pinetree. He doesn't like seeing the human in that much pain. But Pinetree is young, and young humans learn through punishment and reward.

Pinetree will learn. And he will know not to mess up like this in the future.

And the Pines will come back. They have to. They wouldn't leave  Dipper alone for long. And when they do come back, Pinetree will take care of them once and for all.

Everything will work out.

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