Chapter 9: Hello old friend...

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As the group arrived at WAZA, they ran straight towards the reception while breathing heavily. They were met with a young lady on a phone talking to someone. Sonia slammed her fists on the desk causing a loud thud on the desk while at the same time catching the lady's and the people around them attentions.

Staff: "Hold on for a minute... Hi! How can I-" She cut off by Sonia.

Sonia: "We need to see Dr. Astro! ASAP!" She replied between breaths.

Staff: "Sure! I'll download a map on you Hunter-VG that'll direct you to Dr. Astro. And... Done! You may go now." She said.

Sonia: "Thank you!" She replied quickly.

Without wasting a millisecond, they all dashed towards Dr. Astro's lab. Running through the facility, they've caught a lot of attention from other staff working there, giving them weird looks but the group didn't really care. 

When they stopped right in front of the lab, they quickly rested before running in the lab, scaring the other workers. Dr. Astro saw them ran towards the group.

Dr. Astro: "You guys have finally arrived! Please, follow me! Right now, he's in his room resting at the moment." He said speeding walking towards where Omega-Xis is resting. 

Upon arriving, the group, including Dr. Astro, noticed that Omega-Xis' room is filled with scientists with him. This popped up a lot of questions about where he is. Did they release him already? Did they have to do surgery on him? They looked through the scientist to find a little glimpse of him. 

Dr. Astro: "Don't worry guys, I'll ask where he went." He said trying to calm them down. 

Sonia was so desperate to see him if he's okay. It's almost been a decade since they've seen each other. She thought about Lyra again, well she alright seeing him again, how will she react to seeing him again after no contacting for 6 years? Will they fight? Her thoughts were interrupted when Dr. Astro came back with the news.

Dr. Astro: "Good news guys! He's up in the balcony just taking a quick break from sleeping!" He said with thumbs up.

Everybody sighed in relief but didn't satisfy Sonia much. She wanted to see him in person. 

Sonia: "Do you think we could see him? You know, in person?" She asked desperately. 

Dr. Astro: "Yeah you can! Follow me!" He said walking to where the balcony is located.

They took the elevator to the highest floor, which was floor 50, and got out of it. While walking, Sonia looked at everyone and they seemed to be looking normal, except for her. She seemed to be feeling extremely nervous about meeting Omega-Xis. She doesn't know what to expect. Unknown to her, Lyra was feeling the same way as her. Her heart was beating faster than usual. Shook away the thoughts as best as she can and continued walking as nothing happened in the first place. 

Looking straight ahead, the group can see the balcony and in there, they see a familiar floating green energy, resting its arms on the metal fence looking into the distance. He was wrapped with lots of bandages around its body. He seems to be doing fine. He was relaxing just normally. 

Sonia stopped right in her tracks when she saw the floating entity. The group noticed her weird reaction and stopped with her, looking at her strangely.

Kelvin: "Sonia? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked placing his hand on her shoulder. He noticed her shaking just a little bit only.

Sonia: "I-I can't believe it's him... He's actually here... On Earth..." She replied softly, not even looking into Kelvin's eyes. Small tears started to form in her eyes. 

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