Pure Love...

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It's almost one year one day yunlan got a note in front of his house door "your pure Love is the key of the door to this  tunnel".

He lives in his old house, where he lived with yezun, he's still do his Detective job with da qing.

Yunlan derive towards that tunnel, he stopped his car outside the tunnel and came out.

He walk inside that tunnel towords his other exist thinking about seeing Wei again.

The he saw a rose, he take that rose while smiling that scent, he know it it's Wei scent.

But he can't see Wei their the he realise that he able to cross that tunnel again.

The saw families driver, he don't in his car and drive to their house.

He came inside but saw no one.

Where are you Wei? Said yunaln he's on verge of tears.

Then he walk towards price station, he reach their he saw no one but one constable.

Hey! Where is everyone? Ask yunlan feeling worried.

Oh! they all went marriage of Detective shen Wei said that constable.

Tears start flowing yunlan eyes but then he think why today he's able to cross that tunnel? Why today? But he did not wait he run towards that church which that constable told him.

Still he's tears flowing from his eyes then he reach that church. He was standing in front of that church.

He wipe his tears run inside that  church, saw Wei Standing with a beautiful lady.

She's professor zhu Hong, now she's getting married to Wei.

When he enter in church, they all look at him, Wei was shocked luckily they are not married yet.

Yunlan just standing their, he did not move.

Priest start his process then he ask to zhu "Are you accept Mr shen Wei as your husband"

"yes I do" she said happily.

Wei fake a smile to her then again priest said "Mr shen Wei do you accept miss zhu Hong as your wife".

Tears can't help flowing on yunlan face, he you're around to walk outside the church walking to that tunnel.

Wei Whole staff crying to see yunlan like this then again priest ask "Mr shen Wei do you accept zhu Hong as your wife".

Wei still looking at that gate then da qing shout "he's finally here because if your pure Love, God give you second chance to be with him, why are you still thinking we know you suffered but he's also suffered enough he needs love Wei".

Then da qing run outside after yunlan, slowly - slowly all staff walk out from his wedding.

zhu Hong saw sadness in Wei eyes " it's okay Wei, go to him, you belong to him".

She took off her ring and give to Wei "now go before its too late" said zhu while pushing Wei towards door.

"thanks zhu "said Wei then he run after yunlan.

Yunlan again and again wiping his tears, he did go to tunnel but yezun grave.

Da qing told Wei that yunlan crying on yezun grave.

Shen wei run to that place" he saw yunlan sitting beside yezun grave".

He walk towards him "I do" he said.

Yunlan lift his head look at Wei standing beside him then, Wei again said "I do ".


" I accept Mr Zhao yunlan as my wife "said shen Wei smiling brightly.

" I do" said yunlan.

"I accept shen  Wei as my husband "said yunlan taking way hand to get up then they both wear rings to each other.

They both kiss each other and they hurd  capping, all staff smiling to them.

The end.

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