Chapter 4

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!All in the open!

"....erm......we were having tickle fights. Okay, we were having tickle fights. Screw you Fae. I was screaming because he knows my tickle spots. He is relentless if you don't give him his goodnight kiss." Phoenix defended herself becoming flustered and slightly embarrassed. "That's not what I heard P and you know it" smirked Fae finally getting the upper hand on Phoenix it wasn't every day when Fae would win. "You act like a married couple" Damon butted in his smile betraying how amused he was by their senseless bickering.

"I want a divorce. It was funny at the time but now not so much" Phoenix crossed her arms in face anger, Fae looked at P and mouthed the words "offended" to her. A smile was placed in Phoenix's mind she loved winding up her little fairy.

"Wait, let me backtrack did I hear the name Kol. What's his last name love?" Damon asked his arms crossed and his signature 'I'm calm but don't fuck with me face on' "Mickelson" Phoenix told him not seeing the problem with doing so. "That little bastard. You slept in the same bed as him! I'll kill him" Damon's 'I'm calm but don't fuck with me' vibe was thrown out the window and replaced with 'I'm gonna kill a bitch' vibe. Stefan took a few steps away from Damon, he was confused on why Damon would be this angry he didn't know anyone named Kol Mickelson. He turned his attention to his mate and when they locked eyes he mouthed the words "what's happening?" Fae responded by shrugging her shoulders and looking absolutely adorable to Stefan with her eyes wide and bewildered face.

Rose has once again helped herself to Salvatore's kitchen, bringing popcorn with her and sitting in the corner of the room closer to Elena then she realised and began to watch as the drama unfolds. She was definitely enjoying herself, hadn't had this much entertainment in a long time. Elena looked at the four in absolute confusion. Three thoughts circled her head tho as she watched them 'who the fuck were these girls?', 'What have they done to Damon and Stefan?' and 'how do I get rid of them?'

"Damon he's my other soulmate chill. It's not like he tried to kill you or anything" Phoenix retorted, just wanting Damon to stop overacting he wasn't this bad when he found out he had to share Fae with Stefan, well almost but not really. "He did actually eleven times. AND I HAVE TO SHARE YOU WITH THAT DICKHEAD" Damon ranted, Phoenix's mouth formed an 'oh' shape as she realised why all the shouting. The atmosphere was again tense 'can we have one conversation today where it's not this tense' Stefan thought looking around the room.

No one said anything not wanting to make anyone lose their last bit of cool all except Fae. "I love the fact no one noticed that we're married yet." The wives shared a look and nodded to each other smiling, their lovers could be very ignorant of the small things. And by small things, the fact they're both wearing wedding rings (well Fae wearing the one P had given her on a necklace) and the fact Phoenix had jokingly said she wanted a divorce. "I have actually. I was getting round to that part" Damon said, finally calming down and his 'I'm sexy as hell and you know it' smirk was on his face just where it belonged. "My two favourite girls married and both mine. Mmmm. What should I do?" Damon wiggled his eyebrows and his smirk only seemed to grow with each word.

Rose choked on her laughter as she wheezed out the words "kinky" Fae was trying desperately not to laugh at her but trying to pay attention to the conversation at hand. Elena gave Rose a disproving look, but Rose was too busy watching the conversation to notice or care. Stefan was shaking his head trying desperately to hide his own smirk, he himself would love to have Fae alone to do that kind of thing.

"NOPE, I KNOW THAT FACE. THAT'S LIKE KLAUSES 'oh you're in for it' FACE. WELL, NOT TODAY SIR!" Fae shouted at the top of her voice, gripping hold of Phoenix's hand and dragging her off using her supernatural speed and strength. They ran through the house, until they bathed in a bedroom, bolting the door behind them, and slowly sinking to the floor with their backs against the door. "What was that for?" Gasped Phoenix as she tried to breathe threw her laughter. "You should be thanking me for not leaving you to experience Damon's perverted mind" Fae wheezed as laughter racked her body, she faked shuddered at her words bringing more laughter between the friends. They suddenly heard Stefan's voice shout at Damon "hey Fae's mine too, I don't think so" they couldn't help but laugh more.

But they both failed to realise who's room they were in, they had entered the lion's pit. The one place they should have avoided to escape Damon's sexual nature, .......Damon's bedroom.

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