The Truth

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      It was a normal day for Blueberry. Well, as normal as it could be for an very energetic Blueberry. . He had finally been allowed to go on missions since being kidnapped by Error, and then 'escaping'. He had actually come to somehow understand Error, and enjoy his company. Error had warned him that Ink and Dream, the other Star Sans, would not believe that Error was innocent. Blue believed in everyone, so he suggested they try to understand Error's motives and try to befriend him. How he was surprised when they told him he was, 'too trusting', he 'wouldn't understand', and that he was 'an adorably ignorant cinnamon roll.' Not to mention when Blue got home, if he 'acted out of character', Stretch would get mad. And he was not allowed out the AU, let alone his house. He felt he was being wrongfully detained, or under some strange type of house arrest. He also felt he had to hide his emotions even more than usual, because he had started to realize how oblivious and cold SOULed his brother could be. It never helped that he remembered RESETs. At first, he just chalked it up to dreams he could never quite remember. He always felt the human seemed familiar, but chalked it up to remembering an anime Undyne made him watch one time. Sometime after that he met the star sans', Ink and Dream. He joined them. He kept having dreams though. He didn't want to ask dream, as not to complain. They were good dreams anyway! Then, he had a bad dream. A really, really bad dream... He didn't feel as comfortable around the human, but so he wouldn't worry Stretch, he pretended everything was fine. He was fine! Just like last time something happened... He would bury his bad emotions. After all, the human couldn't have done anything bad! Humans couldn't control dreams anyway! He started having a couple more bad dreams. He just had to be happy. After sleeping he would start to feel a little more tired. He even started getting some of his actual dreams confused with RESETs. Whatever RESETs were... He thought it had something to do with time though. He couldn't think about that though... It reminded him of too much. He got sad. Then mad that he didn't- He then forced himself to be happy again though. 'He was happy' he thought. Afterwards, he started remembering more of his 'dreams'. He wouldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. He... He didn't want to believe it.... He had to believe in the human! He... He had too. Based off his dreams- No. Based off his memories he had too. He needed them to reach the surface. Though... He thought, 'Does it really matter if we reach the surface, to only be dragged back...?' He then rethought, 'N-no! I can't feel bad! I will ignore all my bad emotions and push them back! I- I mean, I don't have bad emotions!' Then he had another thought, 'Even if they... I won't stop believing in the human!' He also thought, 'Papy would love to see the surface anyway!' 'All the monsters would...' He started getting tired though... He just had to pretend it was fine! 'It is fine!' he thought. He was DETERMINED to stay happy though! 'For Papy...' he thought. Whenever he would feel upset he ignored it. Soon after, he got kidnapped by Error. He believed in him though! Because if he could believe in the human after- He got angry thinking about what the human did. Then he got sad because he remembered being separated from his brother. 'No!' he thought angrily, 'I will be happy!' He then tried to look on the bright side.  He just couldn't stop believing in anyone after all! How could he be a good Judge if he didn't try to see both sides of the story, after all! Soon he saw that Error had seen things. Experienced things a lot worse than just RESETs. He could see it in his eyes. He could see it the way he moved. He could see it in the way he ACTed... Blue's brother never noticed when he ACTed different. He may have pretended to be fine, but it hurt when Stretch, his brother, didn't notice. Somewhere, though he would never admit it, he thought his brother just didn't care enough to notice... He still believed in him though! Cause he never did what the human did... Not that he stopped believing in the human! He was fine! He was always happy! He ended up paying attention and listening to Error, so he could better judge his actions. After a while with Error, he fell asleep and had another bad dream of the RESETs. He woke up angry and confused, his eye a little brighter than normal. Then, he felt sad. No! He couldn't feel angry! He couldn't feel sad! He was fine! He... He was fine...  After a couple of minutes, he decided to look up. When he did, he saw Error looking at him with confusion and slight concern on his face. Blue stared at him for another minute, then noticed something wet rolling down his cheeks. That was when he realized tears were coming down his face. He quickly wiped them away and slapped on his normal energetic smile. At that Error frowned, and then did something surprising; he asked why he was faking a smile... Blue didn't like the pity. Then Blue then felt nervous. He pushed it down. Blue then said, "WHY- THE MAGNIFICENT BLUEBERRY IS PERFECTLY FINE!" Error stared at him with an expression that showed his disbelief. Blue then asked, "why- AHEM! WHY DO YOU ASK?" It was then Error's turn to stare. After what Blue assumed to be an hour, as it was hard to tell time here, Error spoke "W-wElL i- I-," he paused, "I- i AcTuAlLy D-dOn'T lIkE d-DeStRoYiNg AlL t-ThE T-tImE..." To say Blue was surprised would be an understatement. But, at the same time, he somehow knew there was something more to Error. Blue then begged Error to not tell anyone about him not always being happy, and then Error asked him who he could possibly tell. After that Error was more comfortable around Blue and vice versa. Blue told him about what he knew about the RESETs and his AU and Error said something about being surprised he was the one who remembered, but Blue was a Sans so he guessed it made sense. Blue didn't tell him everything though... Blue then complained about the human, but then said he still believed in them because he didn't know why they did what they did. Error was shocked that someone could be so genuine so he told Blue about the balance and what he remembered. Blue got mad that Error was just put in the Antivoid with nothing. Then he covered it up but Error noticed. They understood each other well enough they could recognize the other's stress. They had become close friends. Eventually, Blue thanked Error. Error asked why and Blue said, "I needed to talk to someone about all the RESETs... About anything... You listened." Error was surprised Blue could be so quiet. After much considerance, he returned Blue and the humans SOUL to their AU because he felt bad. He told Blue that when he attacked his AU it was a different AU than the one he thought he was targeting. Error didn't know why he felt the need to justify himself, but assumed that's what friends did. Blue did call him a friend. He also gave Blue a puppet that looked like, well, Blue. Once the human RESET Blue went to hug Stretch. After that, his brother, Stretch, became much more protective and whenever he even caught sight of Error he attacked. It made it hard for the friends to meet, but they managed. And that brings us back to now. Blue was heading home right now, actually. It was good to hear the snow crunching under his boots, and he enjoyed the cool, crisp air of Snowden. His brother was normally at Muffet's right now, so he and a certain friend planned to meet at his house to talk and eat tacos.

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