8: Scars

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Stockholm Syndrome, No Control, and Ready to Run are the shi.t

Status: Unedited.


Chapter 8: Scars


“The marks humans leave are too often scars.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

"Zayn," Carter sighs as she sits on his bed, next to him. "You've seriously got to stop this. I mean, ever since the accident this is all you've talked about. Let it go." Carter runs a hand through her dark brown hair and huffs.

"Carter, you need to leave. I don't want you here. I can't even begin to comprehend..." He isn't even able to fathom the cause of her being here. Yes, he understands that she's here to help him out, but he doesn't need her.

Zayn groans, "why you would even-"

"Are you being serious, Zayn?"

"No, the question is are you being serious? Why are you even here? Get out of my house." He seethes.

"You know exactly why I'm here. This entire situation has nothing to do with us. I'm just here to-"

"Us? There is no us. There's me and there is you. Nothing more." He rolls his eyes, sitting up in his bed and running his good hand through his hair.

"Zayn, please don't get this way. Nothing that happened had anything to do with my feelings for you, I just-"

"I'll never have feelings for you, Carter. You're not her and you're jealous because you'll never be her." Zayn says, candidly. Only two sentences. Two simple sentences, but they are enough to break Carter's heart into a million tiny pieces.

"You're disgusting." She cries, "I can't even believe that I-I-" she stands from the bed swiftly.

Zayn grabs her wrist, pulling her towards him. "Face it, you'll never be good enough." He feels a pang of guilt in his chest for saying such harsh words to her, but he doesn't stop. She deserves everything she gets. "Get out of my house!" He spits, before dropping her wrist forcefully.

"You're sick!" She screams, tears unintentionally spilling from eyes. "You repulsive bastard!" Without a second thought, she raises her hand and slaps him. Hard. His face moves to the left from the impact and the metallic taste of blood fills his mouth. He doesn't shout, or kick her out, Zayn simply laughs.

This surprises Carter, who takes a step back. Zayn stands to his feet and walks over to her swiftly. His hands land on her hips and his mouth moves to her ear.

"Says the one that tried to kill her best friend." He whispers, sending a shiver straight down her spine.

She immediately shoves him away. "I would never do something so appalling." She scowls at him, breathing heavily.

"I'm not going to repeat myself. Get the hell out of my house!" He hisses, "and when you leave, don't try to act like the Damsel in distress."

The door swings open and Mrs. Malik comes into view. "Is everything alright in here? I heard some yelling." She says softly as she eyes her son and his 'guest', "Zayn, you should be resting. And Carter would you-"

"It's alright, I was just leaving." She grabs her bag, and shoot him one last distasteful look before storming out of the room and towards the front door. As it slams, Mrs. Malik looks at her son, expectantly. Zayn solely stares at her.

"Zayn, honey, are you-" before she can finish, Zayn raises his hand and closes his eyes. The woman sighs and pulls in the door.

"Fuck," Zayn breathes as he sits back on his bed, running a hand through his hair.

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