49. With a Cherry on Top

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After everything that happened that morning, the pointlessness of attending class escalated with every passing period. She escaped further into her brain as the questions consumed all thinking space. Retreating into her head space, there was no capacity for paying attention in class or jotting down notes.

At lunch, thankfully, Amelia carried the conversation amongst their lunchtime friend group with whom they shared a table. Mazie kept an eye out for Christian but she didn't see much of him. Half of her knew that she needed the silence and aloneness to process what happened that morning. The other half wanted to 'accidentally' make eye contact with Christian across the lunchroom to convey a message telepathically that she needed to talk. Of course, he would be interested in the news she had.

The day ended without any other mind bending happenings, thank goodness. She skirted around crowds of students, avoided the hallway where Amelia's locker was located so that they didn't bump into one another, and high tailed it out of the school. She could really go for some of Felecia's comfort foods - cookies, cakes, bread rolls, spaghetti, or maybe even meatloaf.

Unfortunately, Mazie missed the narrow window of escape. She didn't move fast enough to be one of the first few people to exit the parking lot. Already, students milled about and chatted with their friends at their cars. Athletes traded book bags for duffel bags, before heading off to sport's practice. Lines of students stalled outside the bus lanes, waiting for their buses to arrive before loading up.

Her direct path to her car was interrupted by someone she hadn't expected to see for the rest of the day. Mary Ann McCormick leaned against her Range with her arms crossed over her chest. She faced the opposite direction, and therefore, did not see Mazie approach.

Her steps slowed as she placed the boots, hair, and retro sweatshirt. Certainly, she was not prepared for a conversation with this girl, whatever it is she may want.

She decided to just get it over with.

When Mazie cleared her throat, Mary Ann whipped around with such force that she knocked into Mazie's sideview mirror and pushed it backwards. Smiling sheepishly, Mary Ann fumbled with the mirror to situate it in the proper position.

Before Mazie could inquire what Mary Ann wanted, she said, "Can we talk?"

Nodding, Mazie just stood there, expecting Mary Ann to lead the conversation.

Looking at the ground, Mary Ann licked her lips. "Can we talk privately? In your car?"

She didn't really want Mary Ann in her car, neither did she trust her as far as she could throw her, but she unlocked the car nevertheless. Following her lead, Mary Ann shifted out of her way and circled the vehicle to climb in on the passenger side while Mazie hesitantly slid in behind the wheel. Where she normally dumped her bag on the passenger seat, there was now a person. A complete stranger. Intruding on her space.

Mary Ann took a deep breath before plunging in. "You came to my house and talked to my grandma. You went there when I wasn't there. You found the address to her place which I don't even know how you did. No one knows I live there. You did something you shouldn't have done and violated my privacy."

So she came here to yell at Maze. Great. Icing on top of the cake.

"On top of that, you sneaked around my house, went in my room when no one told you that you could do that, and you took that window paint off of my dresser. I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty jacked up."

Well, when she put it like that...

"Because I'm friends with Ailene and Demi, I know you're doing all this because you think there's something up with Demi and me. I don't know why you even care because you were never friends with Demi before. I don't really care, but I did what I did on purpose. I don't know who you think you are, but you've been digging around in everyone's business. What happened to Demi isn't anything you should concern yourself with."

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