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Scramble the Thoughts

Scatter the pieces

Find the hidden variable

The weakness of a loving heart

Do you remember the loop hole

the one you used so often


Its not there anymore

And remember the things you said

To get in my head

Scattered pieces

They are disfigured and rearranged

You're searching but You can't find them

As you dig through the dirt and gravel

I sit back and laugh

Sorry, but you can't dig up the dead

I'm gone

Why don't you take the time to let go

Let Go

I'm walking away

You're pulling on my coattail

like an helpless whiny child

I kick you off

And i walk away as you sit there in your tears and pain

For a split second, I have a change of heart

I look back and I'm mirrored by my self

By the image of what I Used to be

Crash !

That mirror broke and i see you again'

You are pitiful and pathetic

I'm better than you

I deserve better than you

So like an serial killer

I lock you in a wooden casket

and bury you 15 feet under

Making sure you're untraceable

Untraceable, invisible

How does it Feel ?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2012 ⏰

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