·💎· 不平等 ·💎·

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不平等 · Unfair·💎 Unfair 💎·not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice

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不平等 · Unfair
·💎 Unfair 💎·
not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice

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You got shot.
But you're fine.
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·💎· 11 Years Later ·💎·
·💎· America ·💎·

The ticking of a clock and the clacking of chalk on a chalkboard echoed in your ears. You always wondered why they didn't trade the old chalky board for the new boards used in basically every school. You soon realized it was because the school couldn't afford it.
"Now, can anyone tell me..."

The dull, monotonous voice of the common creature known as a dead-inside teacher and the hushed whispers of the girls behind you was nothing but background noise you chose to tune out.
You were slumped over your desk looking out the window with no interest in what was happening on either side of the dirty glass.
'Ten minutes, ten minutes until lunch.'

"The answer is C."

You glanced at the purple-headed girl from the corner of your eye. She stood with a confident expression like she knew she was right.

"Sorry, Rachel, but nice try."

Rachel sat down with an angry pout. You rolled your eyes and went back to counting the dead bugs on the window beside you.
Your teacher's voice brought your attention back to the gloomy classroom and the unsolved question.
"(Y/N)," she pointed to the board with her ugly grey nails, "what's the answer?"

You glanced at the green dusty board with a huff. On it was written an unsolved algebra equation and three possible answers. 'Why in the frickle frackle fuck would someone mix numbers and letters? Cross-contami-freaking-nation.'

You turned back to the window with a sigh. "The answer's A."


You felt the burning gaze of Rachel Verossé, a gaze that was nothing compared to the others you've experienced. 'How in the hell did she get C anyway?'

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You sat on the floor trying to stop the blue blood rushing from your nose. It was hard since every time you grabbed a paper towel it would soak up the toilet water that poured down your face and hair. "Dammit!" you hissed as you threw the wet paper at the fingerprint littered mirror.

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