Anteline: Jealousy

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Welcome back!!!!!!!! So rorypondfoster actually suggested this one, and since you all like Ant and Maddy, let's give this a shot! Also I'm letting you know that number 3 from my list of ideas was the most picked and will be next, followed by number 5. Enjoy ♥♥♥


Explanation: The pirates capture the Nekton children hoping to ransom them back to their parents. Hammerhead doesn't realise he captures Griffin Ant's best friend. When Ant realises that Griffin likes Maddy, he scrambles to keep Maddy from finding out, and in the process figures out his own feelings. (Ant is 15 Maddy 15)


Ant Nekton raced towards the top of the aronnax as his best friend Griffin arrived. Griffins father had been all grumbles when Ant asked him, but eventually agreed and now the boys had a whole week to spend together!

"Oh boy is it good to see you Ant." Griffin smiled giving him a fist pump.

Ant laughed and threw his arm around Griffin's shoulder. "Well we're actually going to an old shipwreck sight this morning, so suit up in a suit like mine and let's go!"

Griffin cheered and followed the youngest Nekton down to the bridge. He greeted Kaiko and Will, but never saw Fontaine.

"Where's your sister?" Griffin asked as Ant helped him raid the cookie jar.

"Oh, probably calling pirate boy. Don't tell my parents, I promised to cover for her." Ant whispered.

Griffin smiled. "I would never say a thing."

The two kept chatting and laughing, watching movies and playing with Jeffery. It seemed all was going well.

A sudden smash and loud alarm brought that idea to an end. Ant grabbed Griffin and they ran to the main controls, where his Mom was trying to steer them away from......The Dark Orca?!

Even though Ant tormented Fontaine constantly for liking Finn, Ant actually had a secret he'd never told anyone, he sorta liked Maddy. Sure she was annoying and short. And she was a terrible pirate. But she was cute and underneath her annoying pirate ways she had a big heart.

"Ant! Look out! I need you to take Griffin and Fontaine and disconnect the grappling hooks the Dark Orca stuck to the aronnax!" Will yelled as they smashed into another rock wall.

"Okay dad." Ant yelled back. He bolted into his sister's room where Fontaine was angrily throwing things at the wall.

"Fontaine get angry after. We need to sever those grappling hooks." Ant ordered.

The team ran off and jumped out of the moon pools in their knights, swimming straight for the lines connecting the Dark Orca to them.

"Haha you stupid Nektons! Don't you know a trap when you see one?" Maddy cackled, throwing a disabler net at the knights.

Ant couldn't pull up, and he glared at the girl as they were pulled into the Dark Orca and captured.

"Har! Look what I've caught me in me little fish net! I'm going to ransom ye back to yer parents see? Madeline, Finn, lock these stupid Nektons into the bridge." Hammerhead cackled.

"Let us go you overgrown sea slug!" Ant yelled trying to wiggle out of the net.

He watched helplessly as Finn took Fontaine away and Maddy forced her and Griffin into the smelly bridge room he'd been still in last time.

"Haha. Your Dad is gonna get a lot of money for you pretty boy." Maddy smirked.

"She called me pretty!" Ant cheered in his head.

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