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5 years old

     "Aiden, come on! Can we please just go to the play set? We don't need to go in the woods."
     "Are you a scaredy-cat Sierra?"
     "No, I'm not! I just don't want to get lost. Then what would happen? We could die."
     "I'm not gonna let that happen to you. Come on, it'll be fun!"
     "Hold my hand?"
     "Duh. Let's go!"

10 years old

     "Aiden, what are you doing? We have to get inside! Your mom is gonna freak!"
     "Always such a perfect child. Come on. We can hang out here a little longer. Don't you want to?"
     "I want to go inside where it is warm. I'm freezing! Plus, it's your birthday so we should celebrate!"
     "Exactly. And since it is my birthday you have to do what I want. Now come on, I'll hold your hand."
     "I hate you so much. But fine."

17 years old

     "Aiden! You've had your fun now please ,let's just get out of here!"
     "Sierra, please, can't we just stay longer? Just a little bit?"
     "No. There are people passed out in the backyard. This party is getting to be too much. Please Aiden. I've listened to you before but I won't now. We have to go. You know how my dad gets."
     "Yeah, I can still feel his fist hitting my jaw."
     "Aiden! Please! I want and need to go home!"
     "Are you scared?"
     "Fine! You stay, I'll go. I'll leave you to get drunk and pass out like those other people."
     "Sierra, wait. I'll go with you. Only if you hold my hand."
     "Fine. But come on."
     "Such a daddy's girl aren't you?"
     "Shut up or I'll tell my father to punch you again."
     "Nope. Nope I'm good. Thanks."
     "So you are scared of him!"
     "Fine you win. Now let's go."

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