Reminded by a Flower

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Kevin crouched beside a flowerbed. Most of the flowers were white, especially considering the snow, but as he dusted off the frost he found a single red bloom amongst the rest.

"Which of them is to be tonight's victim?" a voice only he could hear said behind him.

He glanced over to the group it was referring to, which probably looked like a lavish dinner table to the Chain.

Christmas had taken over the town. Evergreen trees were set up like well-decorated sentries at the corners of streets, a large one guarding the town square. Candles, tinsel, ribbons, bells, and other assorted decoration had claimed shops and houses as their own, inside and out.
There was barely a person without a candy cane, gingerbread or other cookie in their mouth. The children were especially affected by its cheer, making angels and fights out of the cold.

People did litter the area, carolers, rich folks in suits and fancy dresses, chatting in benches, poor people in rags sharing bread and a smile, kids slipping and giggling as they fell on on the ice, families, parents holding their children's' hands, friends drinking together.

The world rarely looked so alive, so...merry. Often he wouldn't care, his eyes glazed with the potency of his goal...Today was different.

He returned his gaze to the flora, reaching down and picking the red bloom.

"Master?" Albus asked.


He had never seen the place so alive. The manor, the family, always radiated a sort of warmth, but the glow of the assorted candles, the fires in their places—picture perfect, like everything else— the reflections in the ornaments and plates glittering like the sunset on the ocean were enough to make anyone feel the cheer of the time of year. The sweet scent of pine flittered down from the trees, the aroma of cakes, gingerbread, and other treats drifting in and out of each room. The hubbub of party guests, along with music, floated in the air like butterflies drawn by the lamplight.

Kevin stood by the door, his eyes sharp, surveying the room, the guests, like a guard dog, always trying to find a threat, never fully relaxed. It was his job of course, but the festivities didn't appear to interest him in general. The guests, with their fanciful dresses, words, and smiles, didn't seem to notice the young man either, like he was just a decoration, a painting in black, white, and red, on the back wall.

Two did notice him, however: a rather large man, with a brown—greying—beard, wearing a nice black suit, (the tie only slightly askew), with a white flower on his lapel, a smile on his face, and a little girl with short blonde hair sitting on one of his shoulders.

"Roman-sama," Kevin bowed to his master. "Do you require my services?"

He laughed a little. "No, no...Well, yes. Actually...seeing as it's Christmas, little Emily wants to give you something."

Kevin blinked, as if waiting for the punchline. The thought that his master's daughter would give him, a servant, a gift for Christmas, was at the least improper, at the most mad.

Upon seeing the quizzical look on his face, Roman grinned. "Come now, it's Christmas!! Will you not allow one little gift?" he leaned over and spoke behind his hand, (though she could probably still hear him), "if you don't accept, the little tyrant might just get offended. We wouldn't want that, would we? Who can tell what her majesty's ruling would be?"

"Please, I couldn't possibly accept—"

"Keeviin!!" The little girl moaned. "Just let me do something nice for you, you dummy!"

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