Chapter 5

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When I woke up, a bird was singing, its tiny voice blending with the sound of rustling leaves and gently bubbling water. The air was fresh and cool, rushing over my cheeks.


I groaned and swung one hand up to pull the hood over my head and protect my ear from the noise, then burrowed my face deeper into the grass.

Wait. I scowled. Grass? Why was I in the outside world? Where was the soft bed I had crawled into and planned never to leave under any circumstances?

After I flipped the hair out of my eyes, the world slowly came into focus around me. A meadow dotted with fragrant flowers and warmed by rays of sunlight.

Ah. This was a nightmare. That was the only explanation for why I would be outside in the fresh air.

My stomach felt like a pile of knives. I groaned and, for the first time in my life, regretted eating so much food. Jo had murdered my internal organs in the most delicious way.

"We have another one!" someone yelled, making my head snap up.

At the edge of the meadow sat a man in a little chair. He wore a green shirt and white trousers, and he looked just older than Tory. His black curls and dark skin told me that he was from one of the southern kingdoms.

"Welcome to Somnia. We're really glad to have you!" The man's smile just about blinded me. He set down the book he'd been holding and walked over to me. "I know you must be worried or confused about what's going on, but we're going to help you. There's no need to be afraid."

I recoiled. I wasn't ready for that level of positivity, especially from a stranger. The hood on the jacket fell off my head.

"Oh." He took a step back upon seeing my face. "Wow, sorry, you're just a bit older than I was expecting. We usually only have children show up, and you looked like a child from over there."

I'm a man, bonehead, I grumbled in my head. I closed my eyes hard for a second, trying to wake myself up.

"I'm G'juni. What's your name?"

When I didn't answer, he reached down and pulled me up, still smiling brightly. "Don't worry, I was shy too. Let me bring you to the village, and we'll explain everything."

I squirmed when he put his arm around me and guided me out of the meadow. He was thin, but I still didn't have a chance of fighting him, even in this dream. So, I simply grimaced and let him guide me away from the meadow.

He dragged me down a cobblestone road, towards a large town, with decorated buildings and the sounds of bustling industry and social interaction.

Very gross.

But grosser still were the hundreds of faces that turned my way or started poking out of the windows and doors when I arrived. Everyone looked about G'juni's age. Everyone was dressed in light or bright colors like he was.

Whispers and gossip started immediately and spread like a fire.

"Finally, we have a new person."

"Oooh, another Ki! Go get the others!"

My eyes widened in horror as more and more voices joined the chorus. My subconscious knew exactly what kind of situation would make me most uncomfortable. People flooded out of the buildings to greet me. They closed in around us, reaching out and touching me, giving me greetings, making it hard to concentrate or breathe.

"Please don't-" I winced, trying to dodge hands and smiles.

Yes, this was definitely a nightmare. One of the worst I'd ever had.

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