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I wake up happy today because of Alejandro but, let's not get my hopes up. I head to the bathroom and start to shower then I get dressed.

Then, I go downstairs to see my dad sleeping on the couch

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Then, I go downstairs to see my dad sleeping on the couch. I quietly leave and start to walk to school.
*At school*
I go to my first period and then, we'll you know!!
I sit down by my self and I get a text from a random person.
*Text Convo.*
??: Hey!
Y/n: Who is this?
??: It's me Alejandro. 😂
Y/n: Oh hii!
A: I was just gonna ask you if you wanna sit with me and my friends?
Y/n: Umm... yeah sure, but where are you guys?
A: Were like in the middle of the lunch area.
Y/n: Ok I'll go right now. <3
A: 😁
*End of Text convo*
I'm so nervous to sit next to him and his friends because they are juniors and what if they make fun of me???? UGHH WHATEVER LETS JUST GO!
I start to walk to their table and I see Alejandro and his friends.
He sees me and waves at me!
I wake back and go to their table.
A: Hey, y/n you can sit next to me right here!
Y/n: Umm ok. -I blush trying not too.
I sit down and all his friends just stare at me. I get embarrassed so I just look down.
A: Ok so y/n these are all my friends, Mattia, Kairi, Alvaro, and Roshaun.
The boys: Heyy!! What's up y/n!
I look up...
Y/n: Hey -I smile
Alejandro comes closer to me in my ear and whispers, "Don't be nervous,Your safe here" -he smiles
I felt safe just sitting next to him.
I turn to him and smile.
M: So, Y/n your a Sophomore?
Y/n: Yeah, and your a junior right?
M: Yeah, we all are!
Al: Your so small for a sophomore!
A: Shut the fuck up Alvaro, your the shortest person I know!
Everyone laughs.
Al: Damn why y'all so mean!! -He laughs
A: I'm just joking, love you! -he gives him a kissy face because they joke around like that
R: Hey, Y/n you wanna come to my house today? It's just me and the boys. Don't worry it's not like a party or anything like that, we are just hanging out.
Y/n: Umm... I would but I can't. -my dad would kill me
A: Oh come on Y/n, it'll be fun. It's a Friday!
Y/n: I'm sorry, I just cant!
A: Oh ok, maybe next time. -he looks sad and worried
I feel so bad but, if I go my dad will do more than just beat me up.
Lunch then ends and I go to the rest of my classes.
*End of school*
I begin to walk back home.
*At the house*
I open the door and my dad is their again just standing their.
D: I FUCKING TOLD YOU THAT IF YOU LEAVE THIS HOUSE AGAIN, I WILL NOT BE NICE!! -he grabs my arm and starts to beat me
Y/n: DAD PLEASE STOP, YOUR HURTING ME!! -I'm crying and bleeding, till my eyes start to become blurry
I hear someone say, "AYYY LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!!"
My dad turns around to see who it is and it's Alejandro!!
All I see is my dad fighting with Alejandro.
I quickly get up and try to separate them.
Alejandro pushes my dad to the floor and grabs me by the hand and we run to his car.
We go in to his car.
A: Y/n, are you ok? -he asks holding my hand
Y/n: Yeah, but how did you know where I live? -I cry
A: I followed you to your house because I had a feeling something was wrong, like yesterday when I grabbed you by the arm you said I hurt you but I bearly even touched you. Umm... can I see your arms? Please, I won't tell anyone.
I nodded and I lifted my sleeve to show my cuts.
A: Y/n, why didn't you say anything?? -his eyes get watery
Y/n: I'm sorry, I was embarrassed. -I cry and cry
A: From now and on, your gonna come live with me I am not letting you ever come back to that house!!
Y/n: Please no, my dad will find me!
A: No he won't, I don't even live by here, I promise your safe with me.
Y/n: Really?
A: Yes, but can you please tell me... How long have you been living like this?
Y/n: Almost 3 years.... my dad wasn't always like that, ever since my mom died from a car crash, he became like that and I've tried to help him but nothing works.
A: Oh I am so sorry y/n, but you don't have to worry anymore because your with me now, no one will ever hurt you again. -he smiles softly
Y/n: Thank you so much! Like you are a life savor, you are my savor! -I smile softly
Alejandro starts to drive and he takes me to his house.


I put this her just in case if you guys ever need it. I love you all and remember that you are never alone❤️

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