Part 16

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I woke up around 7 in the morning due to my stomach hurting. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up like twice.
Unfortunately, Alejandro went to the store to get groceries so, meanwhile I just went to bed and tried to fall asleep until he got home.
*Ale came back*
I wake up to Ale caressing my face with his soft hand.
A- Goodmorning baby. -he kisses my forehead
Y/n: Goo-
I rush quickly to the bathroom and throw up again.
Alejandro runs after me into the bathroom.
A: What happened mamas? You alright?
Y/n: I don't think so, I already threw up twice, this is my third time!
A: Here let me take you back to the bed and I'll bring you some medicine.
Y/n: Ok thank you baby!
Alejandro comes back up into the room with a worried face.
Y/n: What's wrong baby?
A: Mamas, when we had sex did we use a condom?
Y/n: Umm.... I don't remember, everything kinda happened so fast but it was fun.
A: I think you might be pregnant!!
Y/n: WHATT!!!
A: Don't freak out, I'll get you a pregnancy test and you'll take it and if you are we I'll figure something out together! -he said smiling
Y/n: Ok -I smile
Alejandro goes quickly back to the store and got a pregnancy test. Then he came back.
I took the test and we waited.
*15 min later*
Y/n: Baby are you ready to see?
A: Yep.
He grabs me the waist and I grab the pregnancy test and flip it over.
A: OMG!!!
Ale picks me up and spins me around and kisses me.
A: Let's go to the doctor first to make sure you are pregnant!
Y/n: ok
I quickly change into some leggings and a hoodie.
We go to the doctor and they say THAT IM PREGNANT!!!! We go back home and wait for Ale's parents to get back home. Meanwhile me and Alejandro tell the boys and their all so happy for us!!
*Ale's parents come home*
A: Mom, Dad their is something that me and y/n need to tell you!
M: What is it?
A: I got y/n pregnant.
M: Honey calm down!!
D: Your right I'm sorry.
A: Were really happy about it and we are going to keep the baby.
M: Ok, if that is what is going to make you guys happy then do it, I just want you both to know it's gonna be a big responsibility to take care of a baby but, just know that you have our support!
D: Of course.
They hug us and congratulate us.

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