Mom, Dad?

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"Can I get the little wooden one, momma?" America lifted his hand up and pointed towards the dark wooden box, gold still hanging from its mouth. France looked down, uneasiness glazed over her eyes. She bit her lip and smiled half heartedly. "Of course Ame, anything for my special Amérique." Ame didn't look up at her though, his eyes were glued to the shiny object. "Thanks ma."


"" America rolled over on his bed, his eyes squinting open. Instead of his usual laziness he felt ecstatic. Folding his hands under his head he mumbled to himself, "tomorrow's my 13th birthday." Before he could praise himself longer, a blinding brightness flew past the window and stabbed at America's eyes. "Ah...! Stupid sun."

America yawned his morning yawn and pulled the sheets off of his short legs. "Another day, another day of heaven." America stretched his legs out midair, before stepping on the marble floor and slipping on a fancy buttoned shirt and tying an ascot knot around his neck.

America quickly pulled up his shorts over his boxers and swam past his piles of other clothes. Running down the stairs he almost tripped over every crevise and crack. "Ma! Pa! Where we going today?" America smiled and yelled loudly, hoping his parents would answer with something enthusiastic, but there was no answer.

America hit the bottom floor still waiting for a reply back. But there was none. It was just silence. America was puzzled and walked around the kitchen. "Guys?" He couldn't find his parents or brothers. "Hey! This isn't funny, come on!" But once again there was no answer back. America clenched his fists, sweat rolling down his head and his teeth rubbing against each other.

America turned towards the door mat. His eyes widened bigger than bicycle tires when he saw no shoes. "Where'd they go?" America flew past the couch and was looking out the door window. His eyes moved around until he caught the absence of the family car.

Stomach clotting, America stepped outside, his socks almost instantly soaked from the morning dew dotted on the grass. But he didn't care, he just wanted to find his family. "This city's not too giant, I should be able to find them downtown... hopefully."


Dirt, rocks, and tar hit America's feet as he walked down the sidewalk. He was able to catch a few cars going towards town and, from there, was able to find his way to the middle of the city. Countries walking by gave him weird looks and whispered mumbled words to each other's ears. Whenever a country gave him a peek he gave them a glare and that seemed to shut them up.

America turned his body, his instincts taking control. A weird, sweating smell came from a patch of trees to the right of him. When he took a closer look, he saw a fence behind a few trees and a small sign hung up on the wired frame. 'No Trespassing.' America felt an unexpected grin grow on his face and up his cheeks. "Ha, think a sign can stop a prince. Weak."

The sarcasm wasn't as much as it should have been but America didn't mind and set to sneaking over towards the fence.

The metal fence was built up decently high, well at least for America. America scratched his head, "How do I-" A swift sound scuttered across the ground and America jumped. Searching for the location of the sound quickly after, he noticed a bright green shining through the fence. Then something caught his eye. "Aha! A hole." Something must've cut through the metal because a rabbit sized hole was in the bottom part of the fence.

America looked down at his chest, "Yeah I'll fit."

Amérique = America

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