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He walked into her room.

He missed seeing her sleep, and neither could he remember why exactly he left her.

Wait, umm that's a bit creepy, no Brick DON'T think that...

He sat down next to her on her bed, power move much.


Nudge nudge.

Rolling around.


Fluttering of eyelids, so she's up.

'What do you want?'

Sassy, okay. Being a bit rude to the person who just saved your ass.

'I think someone broke in.' He muttered.


Is she awake or is she temporarily deaf. Jeez.

'I think someone broke in?' He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

'Oh I thought you were actually for real.  You're funny, this place has pretty good security. I assure you no one broke in. Now stop trying to avert me from dreaming of my punishment for you. Bye bye.' Blossom rolled her eyes as she turned to her side to go to sleep.

'Blossom I'm not joking. He held you at gunpoint.'

'Wai- w-what?'

Her eyes widened, she rushed out of the bedroom, with Brick behind her.

30 minutes later...

'I thought you were joking...'  She said, circling the passed out man tied to the chair. She knelt down next to him, inspecting his gadgets, mumbling to herself.

'New G-360 headset,' She turned his head around.

'The recently released HESH mask. I swear it's only exclusive to cartels in North America and Spain.' She traced the hem of his trousers.

'I think there's something here.' She then called out for one of her men to do a swab test on all his clothes, to see if they were possibly laced with anything, which would possibly bring them closer to a clue of who hired the guy to kill her.

The thought haunted her. Of course it was great being a big company now, the infamous Snakes, but everything came with a cost, and that was the fact that people would try to knock her off the throne, and try to steal it away from her. This was one of the points of the 'marriage', so that if anything happened, one would die knowing their empire was in 'safe' hands.

And God forbid another similar reaction to the one Blossom had when she went back home after finding out she was about to marry her ex.

'I just looked into the KESH mask. It's mainly manufactured in Spain but there have been some reported incidents of people stealing   the stock and selling it for higher prices in other countries' black markets.' Brick said,  glancing up from a stationed computer.

'HESH not KESH, HESH is Hybrid Evolutionised Skin Hijacker, KESH is the Keel Evolutionised Skin Hijacker, feels weird saying it but they're different, if you cared so much maybe you'd realise the difference.'

'Jeez don't be so butthurt over it.' Brick snickered.

'This is my life on the line, if I'm not butthurt over this who will be? You?' Blossom folded her arms across her chest and started to leave the basement, instructing the men to continue the research and find out about the man as well interrogate him when he woke up.

Blossom was halfway through the corridor to her bedroom when Brick stopped her.


'What do you want? Do I have to say thank you again to you? I've been hurt even worse before, so don't even think about-' Blossom stopped midway through the corridor and turned around.

'No Bloss, it's not like tha-'

'Don't call me that, I don't belong to you.' 

She shut him down, with pain in her voice. He felt bad for making all those rude remarks about her, even about having sex with another girl behind her back, now and before.

(A/N: 0-0)

'Fine, Blossom, let me explain.' Brick took a step towards her.

'Don't come near me.' She edged backwards, 'I told you, I've been hurt enough. Leave your own cruel words to yourself, even if we're getting married, divorce is always an option. For you of course.' She said, before she walked into her room, leaving Brick standing alone in the hallway.

'Blossom I-'

The door shut in his face.


(A/N: I've been gone for so long jeez. I've finished writing Drowing is a Relief and starting on Swapped. They are all PPGXRRB stories so please give Drowning is a Relief a read! I stayed up all week to finish it!)

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