Chapter 5 Misunderstanding

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Song Theme: Midnight Syndicate- The Watcher

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Song Theme: Midnight Syndicate- The Watcher

3rd POV.
After Charlotte disappeared, the corpse groom realized she's gone, and he started looking for her. “Charlotte darling, where are you?” He called worriedly, searching for her. “If you ask me, your girlfriend is kinda jumpy.” His maggot said in judgmentally. “She's not my girlfriend, she's my wife.” The corpse groom replied warmly smile, wiggling his hand again to see the ring. “Charlotte, where have you gone?” He tried again, clearly. “I'll keep an eye out for her.” The maggot joked wickedly after the corpse groom's right eye pop out. “Charlotte” The boy kept repeating your name lightly. Charlotte peak to see where the groom is, she sees he's still yelling her name, looking for her, and she left her hiding spot to find another one. “I need to get out of here before he finds me.” Charlotte's thought. “There she goes, there she goes. She's…she's getting away! Quick, quick, after her!” The maggot alert. “Charlotte!” The corpse groom tried to catch her attention after he shoved his eyes back into its socket. She ran past the two hand shoppe in a panic, and realized he was still chasing her. The hands pointed to where Charlotte ran. “Thank you.” The corpse groom said and ran after Charlotte. She ran into an alley with lots of caskets. “Charlotte” He yelled again. She hid into a casket and pretended to be dead as the corpse groom past her while calling her name. “Charlotte? Where have you gone?” He exclaimed. After he past Charlotte, she looked both directions to make sure it's clear. “Married, huh? I'm a widow.” A spider said appeared in front of Charlotte as she looked at the spider and gasp. “Oh excuse me.” Charlotte said as she ran to different directions. “Oh, How polite she is! She went that way!” The spider yelled for the corpse groom, and he turned around to catch up with Charlotte. “Charlotte darling?” He called her name again as she bumped into someone. “Please sir, this is some misunderstanding, I'm not dead.” She said in timidly, but she screamed as the zombie's head fell off. She ran in another direction until she bumped into the gentleman. “Excuse me, excuse me.” The gentleman said calmly, trying to let Charlotte passed. “Excuse me. Thank you.” The gentleman said after he split in literal half and let her past. “This has to be a dream.” She wept, terrified as she is still running through the dark alley until she stops in front of the wall. “Oh, no dead end.” She shook with nerves as her name got called again. “I guess I have no choice.” Charlotte said as she started climbing on the wall desperately. She finally made it to the top and about to reach her hands to the iron bar but accidentally grabbed someone's foot, and she saw who it is with a shock look. “Oh, Charlotte my love, you could've just used the stairs, silly!” The corpse groom chuckled softly as he helped her up, and he's still holding her hand, squeezing it happily. “Isn't the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any.” He joked, casually walking towards the wooden bench after he let go of her hand. She still stood there in shock, with her mind went blank and her heart thumping. “Isn't it romantic?” He hummed passionately as he's going to the wooden bench to sit down, but he saw her scared form. “My dearest Charlotte, whatever is the matter?” He asked anxiously as he came closer to her and took both of her hands in his. “I… I don't know what to expect, everything just so fast, and now we're…married?” She said in confusion tone. “There's nothing wrong to be married that fast, especially when there's love at first sight.” He said in cheerful mood. “It's not like everyday you ended married to someone who is dead and barely know each other.” She said, still confused. “Well, I guess for someone who's still in the world of the living it's a tad strange to see the dead walking around.” He said smiling pleasantly and somehow for odd reasons that she finally calmed down slightly.

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