Chapter 1: Good News!!

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*August 24*

      It all started when our mom and dad annouced that we're all moving to Oregon during a family meeting.

My sister, Victoria Howl, didn't like that news, not one bit.

 She's the oldest (15 years old), I, September Howl, am the middle child (13 years old), and my brother Oliver (also 13 years old) is the youngest.

"If I leave, then do you know how many friends I'll be leaving? I'm friends with basically everyone at my school! I'll miss them daddy, and I have a feeling they'll miss me too!" Victoria lied.

"I'm sorry, dear, but we're don't really have a choice right now." Mom explained.

She's the most popular girl in her school. She's so popular, she even gossips about her "closest friends", who are also popular. The truth is, she has no real friends and she wouldn't miss anybody. She's a cold hearted, mean, evil, rude, and a terrible friend. But that doesn't mean she's a bad sister. She's just a bad friend to people who aren't apart of her family. Trust me, she's only conceited, vicious, and blood thisty at school, but around me and Oliver, she's strict, over-protective, and most of the time she's fun to be around. My parents don't even know how she really is at school. They think she's a sweetheart and so do the teachers. I asked Victoria why she was so cruel to her peers.

"I have to be mean to be a mean girl to my peers so that they can tell your peers to think twice before messing with you and Oliver in high scool. Because if they mess with you either their brother or sister or they, are gonna have to deal with me, the queen bee of the school."She replied.

But sadly, all that work Victoria did to try to make her younger siblings' lives easier so we wouldn't have to be bullied like she was for being a goody goody in elementary school, went to waste. Victoria was devestated, and my brother and I were too. The day after the announcement, Victoria barely talked at all.

*The following week, August 31*

     The everlasting ride on the cheap moving truck that my dad bought was finally put to an end . I woke up from my nap and saw my brother and dad moving boxes into a house that looked very new, that wasn't small but it wasn't big, and was in a cul-de-sac with houses that looked similar to this one.

"September, get up!" Victoria shoved me thinking I was asleep.

 "I'm up." I said with a tired look on my face.

"Come inside, this is where we live now." She said trying to look happy.

"Are you okay." I asked her.

"I guess." Her smile disapeared."C'mon and check out our new home. Close your eyes and I'll guide you to the inside.

We walked to the front of the house.

"Open your eyes." She said as she opened the door.

"Oh my god! This is where we live?" I asked. I honestly couldn't believe we were in the right house. I thought we'd be living in sime ranch house or trailer park or something.

"Yes, this is where we live!" Mom said smiling."I'm assuming you like it."

"Yeah, it's alright, I guess."I said trying to be cool and calm, when I was really too excited.

"See, your father and I knew what we were doing." She said.

*Later that day*

     "Finished." I said as I was in my new room unpacking my last box of stuff.

It was a box of keepsakes that I got from all my friends from Washington. I walked to the living room and sat next to my mom who was reading a book on the couch we brought from home, preparing to ask her a question.

"What do you want?" She already knew I wanted to ask her a question, somehow.

"How did you know I was about to ask you something?" I asked.

"Well you're sitting extremely close to me in a room with no television, trying to get my attention by staring at me while I'm trying to read."She explained."Now again, what do you want."

"Can I please take a walk around the cul-de-sac?"I begged."It's only 5:00, and I'm not even tired from the ride, and I'm bored. I promise I'll be back by curfew. I just wanna see if there are any kids that are outside that are my age so I can make some friends, or just get some fresh air."

"Curfew is at 6:00, not 6:30. So if you're not back by 6:00, then you're in trouble. Okay?"She made sure I heard her.

"Okay, so I can go?" I just wanted to hear her say "yes".

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She said as she sighed.

"Thank you mommy!"

I hugged her really tight, then put my shoes on and left out the door. I kept an eye on my watch as I walked towards the end of the cul-de-sac. Unfortunately, there were no kids in sight but that didn't stop me from walking around the neighborhood. Then, I saw the cutest little cat run from across the street to our side, stop to look at me, then run away, stop, look at me again (as I was just standing there), then begin to walk away again. I assumed it was playing with me, so I followed it. Sooner or later we were at the end of the cul-de-sac, and the begining of some type of forest. The stray cat walked into the forest, and I hesitated to follow. The cat looked back at me and waited for me to come. I started to walk away, when the cat began to meow very loudly. I looked back at the cat, stared at it, and promised myself I wouldn't go too far into the forest.

I followed the cat into the forest when I began to see an ominous orange glow in the distance, it looked like the cat was leading me to it. We soon stopped at a strange rock that looked like it was on fire, even though it wasn't. It was actually quite beautiful. Orange and reddish colors danced on the stone like a small flame. I was so hypnotized by that stone, I didn't notice the cat walk back home. I then, decided to touch the medium-sized stone. I slowly put my hand towards the stone when suddenly, the mysterious "flame" that was stretched out around the stone, began to gather towards my hand as it got even closer.

The "flame" began to touch my fingers, which is weird because it wasn't hot. It didn't really feel like anything at all. When "flame" began to wrap around my fingers, I got scared and tried to pull my hand away, and that's when everything became unreal. The "flame" ,quickly and forcibly, began to wrap all around my arm, then around my body, then...disapeared from sight, and it seemed to be off the stone and I thought that that was just my wild imagination, but I was wrong.

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