The Test

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* Hello there children. I just wanna warn you that there is cussing in this (I wonder from who..). I was also hungry during writing this because I didn't have breakfast; YOU BETTER LIKE IT >:3*

Deku's POV

    Where was Kacchan? He usually wasn't this late, not later than Mr. Aizawa. I hope that he's okay... I thought as I stared blankly at out teacher.  I had an urge to point out that he wasn't present, but I let Aizawa figure that out. 

    "Katsuki Bakugo?" Mr. Aizawa said in a non-enthusiastic voice. No answer.  He looked up from his paper and stared at the seat in front of me. He then scanned the room while asking, "Has anyone seen Bakugo?". No answer.  I was starting to get worried for some strange reason. 

    "Anyway," Mr. Aizawa said after a long silence, "Today you will be taking a test containing 2 parts to prove your strategies and knowledge of fighting. Today we will just be taking the written portion, but you should be prepared tomorrow for physical contact. Come get the test papers at my desk, I guess." 

    Everyone jumped up from their seats and came to Mr. Aizawa's desk.  Behind it, I already saw him get into his beloved sleeping bag. He sure does love that thing. I got the paper, sat at my desk, got out a pencil, and started to examine the questions. I wasn't prepared for this!  I thought. The worst part was that there were so many words to the questions! I was on the 5th question when my brain just started to turn to mush.  I needed a beak. 

    "Um, Mr. Aizawa? May I go to the restroom...?" I asked in a small voice, but loud enough for him to hear me. 

    "Yeah, yeah sure..." a voice said from the yellow sleeping bag. 

Bakugo's POV

    Damn it, I'm 20 minutes late!  I thought as I walked into school.  That lazy a** teacher better not have marked me absent! It's all because of that f*****g notebook I left here! Now I gotta go all the way to the bathroom to get it! I spent all my time looking for it at HOME!!

    I was making fists with my hands and had a rotten look on my face (like I cared anyway). The hallway was quiet and I could see classes inside, learning stuff that I probably already knew. I eventually arrived at the bathroom door and slammed it open. The wall behind it even cracked a little bit. Suddenly, I fell and something fell on top of me.

    It was that damn nerd.

*Hello there fellow humans! I know that this was kinda sort and stuff, but I promise that the next one will have.....some JUICY stuff.  Anyway, hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night! PLUS ULTRA!!! ^^*

Bakugo x Deku: "Damn Nerd"Where stories live. Discover now